" ..Up To Speed.. " and " ..Back To Basics.. " - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa : Rukudzo Tadzadzapasi Joseph Murapa and and Helen Murapa

 " ... up to speed... " , and " back to basics " ; the seccond one my mother Helen Murapa used to use a lot but with lots of other scheduled ideas of frequent association with sentiment of secularism. With the notation that  "there is nothing new under the sun" means that "there is nothing old under the sun", thruthfuly meaning (-1Timothy4-5*-) ALL THINGS UNDER THE SUN ARE GOD MADE AND GOOD, that point of wisdom didn't have Helen Murapa Say " ... up to speed ... " as many times and frequently. Though it began to be her nature of even my first two decades of upbringing in child-bearing by Helen-Murapa (-used to be "Mtetwa" transition through "Mhlaba" by my older half sister from "the same half loinage of only wombage", but anyway, let's not bear only in mind, but with mind, that the bulk of time spent with Helen Murapa my mother, was significant in so many ways that the testimonies are still yet to be written, so many outer shell other people's bits and pieces, but more that was secluded to my individual relationship with the two Prof. Rukudzo Tadzadzapasi Joseph Murapa and Helen Murapa (-from Mtetwa through Mhlaba-).

So this specific reminder of just the words "up to speed", Helen having me on Computers since I was 6 years old, but it not about computers because my Mother Was a Libearian, but not for overloaded speculative bulk's sake, but FOR THE TRUTH AND FOR SAKES OF GOD IN CHRIST "THE SPIRIT AND TRUTH ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN" despite anyone who is decieved on earth or trying to deceive others.

This is one of the fulcrum that I shared with Rukudzo And Helen Murapa That nobody else had from a point of actualy having been-of-house with them since my birth, (-i'll attach my baby picture of Rukudzi Tadzadzaapsi Holding Me as a newborn-) from the days I remember of my 1st year of age even having sat on the dog and ridden it when visitors came over, and the goldfish we had in a pond having been born in Harare but raised in Botswana after 1 year old and at standard 3(8years-ish) [*almost grade 3*] moving to New York with them when they both had sparse United Nations works and other ongoings for a few years of the 1990 to 2000 decade, 1997 coming to livei n Mutare form new York in Grade 6 writting Zimsec Grade 7 the Next Year, so much more to mention, but these shoes as anyone else's and not fillable by anyone but themselves....

I'm  interested that I have this picture lol, and I remember loving the full knitted sweaters and onsie double or tripple layers as you can see in the picture, lol, this was something significant i always tried to communicate as a baby that they may have never spoken to anyone about in detail, but I remember every time after having a bath I would get to chose which clothes to wear or to add them up over each other as a 1 year old to two and 3 years old before pre-school, it almost like a game for the parents after bath-time and potty-time, them actualy telling me how much I loved this exact outfit that I am saying Rukudzo Tadzadzapasi Joseph Murapa was Holding Me In....



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- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM