Oct 5 2024 - Moon Crescent in The West Of The Sky - 2011 Sept 11(9-11-11/11*9*11) Reminder of The Similar Positioning Singificant to the West of the Sky
On September 11 2011, the Western Sky Had the brightest star and Moon Crescent with the Star in the very crook of the Moon Crescent with much noticability of some things concerning the following Years of 2012 as the 2011 year end drew to a close.
Following many Cosmic Signs, Hurricaines, wars of which even the ongoing between Ukraine & Russia has African influence as well as ongoings im China from 2014-17's 1st Riots in China(east) and the same kind in Russia(north) specificaly [:-Re Daniel 11 & 12 - News From The East-:] to also mention other kinds of pestilences and terrible happenings such as was what was titled "The Arab Spring", Gafhaffi's murder following Lebanon's socio-religious framentation-defragmentation which so many people celebrated even "exchanging gifts" in the same way the 9/11 issue followed due to the book of Revelation Chapter 18's written falleness of the Babylonian systematic.
All of this having in conjunction of where the book of Revelation speaks of "the Two Olive Lamps Before God's Throne" that are His Two Witnesses is the book of Proverbs Reveals in exact wtitting and so many manifest ways on the face of the eary amongst people, these two olive lamps (1) "mercy & truth", (2) "judgement and justice", being slaughtered(killed) in the midst of the streets and Resurected to so many people's witness despite the ongoing of many awakening from the dust of the earth as Daniel 11 & 12 speaks of.
Awakening From The Dust Of The Earth from Daniel 12 & The Very Good News of Redemption & Reconciliation is found in the now Revealed overcoming of all Nations Tribes and Tongues being Redeemed from in Spirit & Truth of Jesus Christ & Earthwide realisation from "messianic complex's" of even basic man made missunderstanding(s), for instance, that there can only be One Truth, and are only ever multiple many different kinds of lies without agreeing amongst, in the same, Unifying Spirit & Truth concern of ONE GOD & TRUE MESSIAH WHOM IS CHRIST, as all "other-wise-ness' " do not agree or have any valuable consideration of all peoples tribes tongues and nations, besides Jesus Christ Righteousness Incarnate Eternal and Everlasting by Whom Our Heavenly Father who's Kingdom resides within us as well as His Holy Spirit, this being quite the fall away of "exteriorism" in all it's kinds even principaly, as well as teaching & doctrinaly by man made non-dicerning judgement of any Spirit & Truth Reality overall.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - K.S.D.M.