TeQ NiQ (updated pics) - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa Life Story (1986-2023 Aug *IN-A-NUTSHEL*)
A Copy & Past Excerpt from the #TeQNiQExposingLifeStory & Page with the name K.S.D.M. - TeQNiQExposingLifeStory On FB that i had to make because of the vastness of false information & nature of the Issues, even why this at it's end SO FAR apears "Report Natured" of context with names and dates.
(the document <*.docx file available there(-writtrn in 2023 sept to nov-)*> was tampered with to make ot look unorganized during transit & creation by such mentioned manipulation)
It was supposed to be an "ALL IN ONE" but altogether EXTREMELY BRIEF in the false face of "His History Is Unknown" (*the exceedingly excessive lie perpetuated & financed over a decade <to the demise of itself>*)
Kudzai Simbarashe Murapa - From Birth in Zimbabwe Harare 1986 - October 28th 2023<*cut to september*>: (A Detailed Nutshell <*T.B.C.-to be continued*>)
The household we had was composite of my mom, my dad, the housemaid Winnie Gwatidzo who was the House Girl (Maid), My Sister Meleni and a gardener who's name I don't know since I was still a baby, Winnington having moved with us all throughout until coming back to Zimbabwe.
My Dad's birth certificate logs in a date of 1940 for his birthday, which would make him 46 when he had me, and it is odd before I have ever seen his birth certificate or known that he had changed his name from Joseph Cecil to Rukudzo Tadzadzapadi, I can clearly remember the first and only time I have ever asked both of my parents about how they met and when they had me hearing the age 56 for my dad and 47 for my mom, for a lot of reasons, they having been in college during the colonial changeover known as the first chimurenga, I did not hear much except that they met at Unoversity here in Zimbabwe, my mom having come home from the United States with my Sister and Leaving Her Dad in Boston, and somehow that being the reason for any divorce issues, those days so many diasporans having sentiments toward their birth land that over-rode even marital ties and family togetherness if it we're elsewhere.
I remember my mom and dad in our house in borowdale waking up every morning, my mom taking me out of my baby cot with white bars and corner connection joints on it to give me milk and put her on her back, sometimes being on Winnies Back and having Johnson and Johnson Powder and Oil diaper changes, walk around the house and yard seeing the tennis court and goldfish pond watching the goldfish swim so attentively, and when I was old enough to walk a little seeing them playing tennis with certain friends that used to visit the house so often. I would often get put on display in the living room on the floor when the grown ups we're having their chats about important stuff and sometimes my sister sitting there, other times her going back to her room, certain times I would play with the golden haired dog we had (I presume it was a golden retriever but I was a baby), and my half sister going to school since then she was in high school at Chisipite girls High seeing her green uniform.
****(GOING TO BOTSWANA 1987)****
At around the age of 1 year old the family packed up and moved to Gaborone botswana where I grew up, my mother as much as I know having been a librarian and into information systems and information organization as her profession, my dad at a position at the UNDP and other places that would have him away from home most of the time traveling often bringing me back lego kids building block toys and cartoon tapes from his brother Tendai whom was living in Washington DC.
My father was also heavily involved in the institutional architecture of the Methodist platform which tied church institutions around the world to educational facilities around the world as well as charity organisations and other outlets in and of such fashion, having regional boards and many developmental organisations behind them and associating with.
My mother put me on computers at quite a young age while I was still in preschool about to transition to "Standard 1" which in the equivalent of "Grade 1" in Botswana at that time. I remember the Windows MS-DOS prompt loading screen for the IBM computer she would let me type on the word processor and show me some of its functions, how to load it after she herself put the disks for the programs in and I would do basic navigation to get into the program.
We had a dog as well at our first house and when I got big enough to run around during my preschool days I remember my mother was busy doing household chores just washing the dishes at that time. I would run with the dog in and out of the house, the steps for the door by the kitchen being a little steep and led right into the dining room past the kitchen door immediately to the right as you enter. A tragically painful moment happened when I was so enthusiasticly happy that the dog was following me so much that I ran up the steps past the kitchen door and thinking so much about the dog and wanting to look back I hit the corner of my nose and check into the corner of this square glass table we had in dining room and it was an extremely bloody mess to some degree. My mom panicked and rushed me to a doctor who insisted that I get some stitches, but what was extremely and excruciatingly painful is that they were done with no anasthetic and I remember each one of the stitches hurting so bad I cried when it was done. At the end of it the doctor gave me a lollipop and I had no liking for being compensated with a little candy for the pain I felt, honestly looking at him with a hurt scowl on my face knowing there was just something wrong (later life wisdom from my biblical understanding would make sense of what I was seeing about doctrine and teaching).
I remember also my mom making me tuna sandwiches to eat for lunch that I loved so much as we would sit on the porch and talk, my dad usually not there because of long distance and long term travels, sometimes up to half a month or so.
My sister was growing up into her teens after we moved house for the first time within Gaborone to a different neighbourhood. At this second house we had a orange striped cat (Garfield like) named Ruffles that I loved playing with and was always cozy and purry around me and snuggled a lot. One night I couldn't find ruffles and went out looking for the cat, and found it flattened on the road down the street somewhere, it did make me sad at the time so much that I cried, but I had not known anything about how even Dogs and Cats even as we keep them as pets are also food biblically in reference to 1Timothy4.
My sister had a keyboard that she used to play and practice melodies and songs on even inviting me to her room to teach me to play which was one of our bonding moments over time. I am not sure why from her up to this day, but I can remember when I quickly got the hang of playing Mary had a little lamb and wanting to play more things in between our interaction, it seemed like she chased me out of her room and because I wanted to play it so much I had my hand on the door and she slammed it on my fingers.
My mom and dad had lots of friends who's children we would meet on family gatherings and weekends we would go to certain hotels. I remember the Makoni's who are the parents of the late Tonderai Makoni (King Pinn the rapper) and (Rassie Ai), my sister being the older one about the same age as the older brother as Tonderai the younger but older than myslef would often play with the tape player/recorder I had. I remember them explaining things about music and asking me about the tapes I had, which were some animal sound tapes that came with books for kids, others about dinosaurs, and what they would talk about was music related, certainly having played a few rap songs and other music as the older ones between us whenever we met like that. I am pretty certain they would ask each other if I believed in dinosaurs knowing Rassie Ai and my sister's age, these being the days of the black Michael Jackson, introduction of the smurfs on Botswana TV and a lot of things I would see as a kid e.g. I could just tell from the Michael Jackson music videos that there was something big behind it, at that time not knowing what exactly.
At preschool it was quite awesome to see so many kids of different backgrounds and ethnicity. At the begining of each day the teacher would give us a unifying game to play which was between a couple choices of musical chairs, or this one game where she would get a bunch of candy and wrap it in tons of layers of news paper and we would pass it around in a circle and each child remove one layer, the last one to get to the candy would get to share it with everyone else, which I might add when someone didn't like certain people it would teach them a great deal of a lesson in life when it comes to many things.
On some of my dad and mom's casual business social visits and gatherings they would take us with as well. I remember one specific one when I was amongst the husbands in the living room of one of my dad's friends houses and I wa the only child in the room as they all had their drinks from the bar, often I would either be told to take one to this person or that, the wives were in the kitchen and the older kids elsewhere. I had brought my little toy cars that I loved to push around carpet patterns like they were
roads and so I started doing that as the grown men we're talking and discussing their business. Then I remember a moment where one guy was debating or trying to dispute children's taste for alcohol or beer and my dad called me over having a castle in his hand and said "Here Ku, take a sip" and I sipped it, and he asked me "How does it taste", and I responded "Like bitter Coke" (mind you my description of 'bitter' was a searching one but i compared it to Coca-Cola) because of the fiziness, and went back to playing with my cars on the carpet as they humorously carried on into the next topic of importance. That was my first sip of beer, not knowing when I was given vicks cough syrup and benylij or others like it that it had alcohol inside it, but I appreciated the flavour. As for what my mom would doin attempts to prevent or treat colds and flues I can remember her boiling water many times and putting it in a dish and us covering ourselves over the steamy water "vaporizing", and the devices that we're trending those days which would literally blow steam out of them into the air and variations where she would add tablespoons of vicks rub into the steaming water and so forth and seeing quite some results for the most of it, though not knowing trhe biblical reference of 1Timothy4-5's ending "use not only water but a little bit of wine for your belly sake and frequent infirmities"(Meaning Frequent usage is preventive and good as it is also drink & does not regress to become poison), many people misunderstanding the referral to the opposite of the worlds "dietary"/demonics(constrains of flavour) which actualy have to do with doctrine and teaching that affect one's conscience as I have learned thusfar growing up in Spirit and Truth.
There we're a couple of times where my mother would fear announced outbreaks and things of medical nature, truthfully her having thought worldly wisdom and knowledge was at any par with biblical spiritual truth about things as much as I know now. These we're the days where there were so called multiple strains of "flu type diseases" as the government would set up camps for vaccination purposes for people to bring their children and family for them. I remember my mom taking me there once upon a time and getting a vaccination that was rather painful on my left hand which had quite a large needle. The following days when taking a bath and other things, I would notice the vaccination mark swelling and becoming weirdly puss like, having to squeeze it out and continualy use detol and such, it eventually leaving a permanent mark that I still have today. I honestly never wanted anything to do with needles and such application of substance especialy after the incident with the stitches after the dog chasing me and bumping into the corner of the glass table.
The only other thing I can remember happening to my body health wise in botswana besides sometimes having the sniffles and cough syrup or vicks chest rub doing well for me was a peculiarly large boil that appeared under my belly button in the lower naval area. I remember it being so painful and large that when the housemaid Winnie and my mom trying to help squeeze it dry I was borderline crying and yelping much of the time.
I remember a birthday house party I went to once encouraged by my mom to socialze with the kids there, a house with a pool downstairs and kids all over the place interacting with squirt guns and swimming and others enjoying food given out for the party. At this party it seemed that the younger kids were mainly playing outside and the older kids were more often inside, as I noticed this being the time when video games were becoming more accessible, this being quite a wealth kid's parent's house as I noticed its size. I found out that the older kids were upstairs in a bedroom and huddled around a game console of which at this time I cannot really identify, but took note of a really horrific game that I honestly have to say was Resident Evil as known when it came out on the Playstation and could have been whatever they took the story line from, but I specificaly remember zombies in it and being intrigued by the graphics compared to my little pixelated game boy handheld and other games like car racing games and fighting games, then later going back outside to play with the other kids since there we're way too many people in the room to all play at once.
We would often go to church gatherings, my parents being Methodist attendants and finding a place to go, although when sitting in the pews I remember all too often if it wasn't every single time besides Sunday school, I would fall asleep to what was being said on the pulpit, Sunday school being more interactive and relevant for me, also not knowing anything about what a "denomination" or what "institutionalization" actualy was.
My sister always took a keen liking to me as her little brother and would always mention how we look like our mother and we would actualy spend quite an amount of time together. I even remember her taking me on one of her "dates" as I grew being able to identify it as that, her guy friend driving us to a mall parking lot and myself in the back seat, my sister in the passengers seat as we parked and they would talk about a lot, me trying to mind my own business and enjoying the company and being company.
I remember my mom teaching my sister how to make French toast dipping bread slices into eggs and frying them as I ate breakfast at the kitchen table and myself preferring boiled eggs instead of fried egg's, for some reason not liking the mixture of eggs and oil and proffering them hard boiled. One time at the dinner table when my parents used to always have a glass of wine for the most occasions, we were eating fish amongst the food, and since I really liked tuna, and fish wasn't anything I opposed at all, just in amazement at the smell around the fish market, my sister spoke out while we were eating and said aloud "kudzi doesn't really like fish you know", and I looked down at my plate of which I was eating fish, but obviously in preference to tuna, and didn't really make too much of the comment, until later realising that it seemed so but now as I've grown, I have noticed it was always about the way it was cooked, seeing that I like a lot of spices. I won't lie, to some degree I would think of those words and thing "do I really like fish?", though I never once had any problem with tuna at all. Perhaps then more biblical understanding of 1Timoth4 would have helped very much.
There was a lot going on with my sister that she wouldn't tell me, nor did I understand much about things like her having a different father, of which I can be honest to say that it was not at the immediate time of being able to talk and have conversations that I found out, this being more towards the time she wanted to/went/was sent to live with her father in the states in Boston where she was born. She left when I was just about to go into Standard one before I had finished preschool. When I was about to start Standard 1 we moved for a 3rd time to another neighbourhood that was a bit more spacious in terms of the spaces between the houses and their yards.
At this house, it only being residence to 4, the parents, Winnie and myself. I found myself loving the sport of soccer and would love to kick the soccer ball against the wall of the house on the side, practicing my long kick and it coming back and kicking it again. These we're the day's of Ronaldo and a lot of FIFA global campaigning on television, but my drive for soccer was simply because I found I could dribble a little and had good aim to some degree when kicking a ball.
This is when I started going to Thornhill Primary school at standard 1 level as I mentioned.
In standard 1 I remember making many friends and the school activities such as swimming, tennis that I would play, and arts and crafts and basic levels of learning the letters of the English language.
At breaktime kids would be all over the place around the large school grounds, other places prohibited for security reasons and to remain watchful over the children, but even though, some things happened amongst kids that had mischievous natures.
I remember this one girl called Katy whom was amongst the kids in my stream. We used to talk a little bit compared to other kids I would spend more time with e.g. my closest friend Anatol from my class, and I found her attitude a bit strange around how she would talk to me, but I initialy brushed it off.
We used to play a bunch of kids games, those days jump rope was mainly something girls did, hop scotch with the squares drawn on the ground, and even the game "Tag", known as "much" by the kids I was with, the game where one person is "it" and has to run and touch another person as everyone is running away from them them becoming "it" and having to do the same, and the game would just go on until everyone was tired of running ducking dodging and such.
One day as we were a group of kids together, Katy suggested and proposed a game called "Kiss and Catch", which when she was asked how it is played, she explained that in each round, the boys would run away as the girls would have to catch one and kiss him, and then the next round it was the opposite. I do remember asking certain questions about it as far as the "why's and what for's?", and after Katy blurted out something I could not understand at that time, a great attention and alertness came to my heart calling me to immediately not engage in such as I ran as far as I could, actualy all the way across an open field that led to the swimming pools and I hid behind a dustbin. I do not ever remember playing this game, only her gathering people this specific time to propose it and running for my life knowing something was incredibly wrong. Later in life thinking about it, i tried to consider that it may have been that she had some sort of affection towards me, but honestly with the proposal of such a gathering game amongst people, it would be extremely missplaced and perverted in the multiplicit.
Standard 1 went by pretty smoothly and I was a really fast learner.
My friend Anatol whom was from Nigeria if I'm not mistaken basicaly became my best friend and one whom I spent a lot of time with while at Thornhill Primary.
During the 2nd Term, there we're courses to take up like a basic cookery class which I did where we learnt to make meatballs from mince and onions mixed together with tomato sauce and mayonnaise baked in an oven for our tests and exams that we would get to eat afterwards.
Throughout the years in Botswana we would have to go home to zimbabwe on holidays to visit family members since not many we're able to visit us from the other side coming to Botswana.
***Family Visits to Zimbabwe from Botswana***
I remember that Coming to Zimbabwe was always blessed with the great amount of rain that would happen over holiday seasons and the smell of vegetation and life in the air of its fruitfulness.
These were the days of "The Zimbabwe Dollar" which had its coinage all the way from 50 to 20 c coins, 10c coins, 5c coins and 1c coins at a certain time. I remember these sweets called "rascals" which were kind of the "stumbo" of those days to me, and the "Dandy" Gum we know today was mostly in the tube bars until the flat rectangles being introduced.
We would drive all the way from Gaborone across the Zimbabwe boarder to Harare, from Harare to Mutare, and then go towards Mazoe to get back towards Botswana having visited of the most My mom's sister and Her Husband in Harare the Ngonyamo's, family friends the Zamchiyas and then My Dad's sister in Mutare Sakubva, Tauhona Murapa's mom, on the most occasions where I met my Grandfather before he passed away and Tauhona for the first time, him introduced as Taurai Murapa. It is quite odd that from these days all the way up to 2023, Tauhona has always been Taurai from both my mom and dad's mouth, his own mother's mouth, all the other relatives around him and anyone else I interacted with who knew him, even myself calling him that and he also saying Taurai is his name, and NEVER ONCE being reffered to or having any mention of the name Tauhona.
We would also go to Chipinge sometimes, which was my mother's rural area where she grew up on a farm and I got to meet my grandfather on her side as well, remembering meeting so many children at the farm house
In Harare at my Mom's sisters House I would spend time with my cousins Chido and Nyasha and their older brother Gerald along with Nyasha's neighbourhood friends that he had and introduced me to. We used to watch wrestling those days when it was still WWF and had Hulk Hogan, one of our favourite ones to watch.
At My Grandfather's house in sakubva where Tauhona's mom lives, there would be various younger children and other cousins that I would meet, some Tauhona's age for example Shepheard Murapa and Simba Murapa, and others I would also meet when visiting Manica Bridge in Old Mutare where my dad's rural communal home was.
The days when visiting My Dad's Sister and having been left to spend time with the children there, I remember when there was a mixture of a few of the younger kids under 10 and some of the older ones over 12 up to 14/15 or so. There was a specific time when all the grown ups had left the house and we were all in the living room, and then the older kids would begin to start talking about some tapes that they wanted to watch making sure that the grown ups would not find out, we being the younger kids did not know what the excited fuss was for them or what we were seeing when they put the tapes in and began commenting on people having sex on the screen. We younger kids would always just go outside and leave the living room and play elsewhere, riding our bikes or with the toys and pushing tyres or bicycle rims with a wire in our hands. I honestly never knew what sex was or had any descriptive terminology towards what I would see whenever the older kids watched these tapes in the lounge since never having been spoken to about such issues, my parents probably finding it Taboo or considering children to be too young to understand how they were made or to mention anything
I used to love the wire cars that were sold on the side of the roads on our journeys to and from Botswana and would often come back home with a new one to play with.
***Dad getting Hired By the United Nations***
As i was in the middle of standard 3 at thornhill, my father was promoted from the Botswana position he had at the UNDP to a Diplomatic position at the United Nations which needed Him to relocate to the
United States obviously to be closer to the Headquarters of it in New York. This meant relocating the entire family from Botswana to New York, so the parents both made plans and we packed and left.
One thing I know for certain, as consistent with the Borrowdale House I was born in, is that my mom and Dad would make it a point that whenever we moved and relocated if to rent, that they would plan and buy the house that they had rented over time even making certain adjustments to it while living in it for the most, or otherwise just buy the house prior to moving tocany specific location, this continued definitely into our move to the United States.
****(1995 - GOING TO NEW YORK USA)*****
I recall my mom and dad communicating with various Zimbabwean friends around the areas where they were looking to settle asking about available houses and such, so our arrival was basicaly a direct path to their chosen area.
New York State is so big that the comparison to the outside world's idea that everywhere is just like New York City, the capital of the State, and they forget there are extremely large suburbian area's as well as rural farmlands that it can take hours of driving on "interstate" roads to reach different area's and locations.
Since My Dad's brother Tendai Murapa was living in Washington D.C. in a flat that was my Dad's and suposed to be paying my Dad rent, he was someone who we would communicate with, and on certain summer vacations we would visit him. I would go for basketball camp at one point of one long 3 month summer holiday.
The first place that we settled in was a town called Chapaqua based in Westchester County living in a house on a street called Lori Lane which was a close street. The County residential settlements are interconnected with railway train systems for the most basic and 24 hour public transportation system for anyone to travel from one point to another. From Chapaqua, a 45 minute train ride through about 7-8 stops will get you into the New York City Area, and from there even the Capital of the State being just as interconnected with underground subways and railway systems to make transportation easier.
I attended a school called Grafflin Elementary to continue from the Grade 3/Standard 3 level to the 4th, but had to restart the year since it was in the middle of the year that we moved, as well as the fact that the curriculum was completely different from Africa's grade school education so that I could adjust to it.
Tendai Murapa Gave me a Maltese poodle dog that was named Gizmo, but we called it GiGi (Gee Gee) having to buy dog care kits ans get its fur cuts with shampoo and brushes since it was extremely hairy and was considered an indoor dog, the hairs always getting onto furniture as it would shed over time.
I also joined the Boy Scouts in the area we lived since Grafflin had an office for them and facilitated for kids who joined it. I selected it as an extra curricular activity besides school where we would practice arts and crafts, have bowling tournaments amongst other things to earn badges, as I remember the wooden block car design task we had to create race cars from a block of wood and attempt to make them aerodynamic and streamlined, paint them and coat them with gloss, make sure the nails through the wheels for the axels had enough graphite dust and we're loose enough to let them roll at maximum velocity, then to have them race amongst down a slope with timer recordings to see which model was the faster one down the slope for one of the competition activities.
I did not have the most of friends being "the new kid" at school, and really only had one friend named Charles Shea whom I would spend time with for the most of it, both of us being griffin students and liking basketball, video games, and just being able to relate to one another. I remember His mom was a single mother whom my mom took an extreme liking to. I noticed that she smoked and drank, but she was very caring and open minded, obviously why my mom took a liking to her.
I also had two next door neighbour acquaintances, one Tarra Hussein and the other who's name doesn't come to immediate recollection, since it was less than a year that we spent at this first house before moving elsewhere.
When Tarra and I became friends, she used to come to our house and knock on the door and speak to my mom asking "Mrs Murapa can Kudzai come out and play!", sometimes it being the winter and such as we would sled down slopes at her house in the snow, othertimes shooting hoops on the basketball ring that we had bought since I had begun to enjoy basketball so much at this point in time.
I would also go to Tarra's house and spend time some times, but we didnt always play inside each others houses and spent most of our time out and about, sometimes around the wilderness behind our houses seeing deer that would apear around the area as we played with toys and such.
One concerning moment I had with my parents that honestly to this day baffles me quite some, is after having come from a day at Tara's house, where we did spend time indoors, we had supper and everything was fine, I went into my room and was about to sleep, until I just felt to look around in the gas heater panels that were around the skating of the walls at the base of the walls around the room. A lot of houses in the united states have gas heaters built into the house of different designs, and this one was like metal casing panels around the room where the heat would come from which had panels that flipped open in case you wanted to clean the dust from them. I opened the panel of one and found this empty pink bottle of lipstick or some tiny perfume bottle that had no lid on it.
As I was looking at it and wondering how it got there, who would put such a thing in such a place, I can remember vividly that all of a sudden both of my parents burst into my room screaming at the top of their lungs about something that I can't actually remember at the moment, then all of a sudden their attention shifted to the pink little bottle in my hand them angrily asking me where I got it from as I repeatedly told them that I found it in the heater panel, them beating me over and over as I still repeated where I found it but them not wanting to believe me, it getting so violent that I ended up saying "I found it at Tarra's house" until they began to shout about stealing things and to take it back etc, then exiting the room, leaving me in an extreme state of confusion for that encounters sake. At a later stage I can imagine they we're fighting over something completely unrelated to me or the pink bottle, had burst in and changed the subject to the bottle, and then after all that leaving my room. I honestly never confirmed this myself, but certainly knowing they did not burst into my room to shout at me and beat me because I was holding an empty pink lipstick or perfume bottle. The next day neither of them even mentioned the moment or anything to do with it.I also signed up for Gymnastics at a gymnasium which was an out of school engagement for myself with a little influence from my mother, as well as taking up music lessons since she had seen that my reports from the music class at graflin we're very exceptional, so I took up playing the flute because for most children the introduction wind instrument was the recorder which is a pipe flute but not made of metal and pointed forward from the mouth and not held sideways, but I wanted to understand more about the matters of how notes were changed by putting your fingers over certain holes and such, so I chose the flute.
**Moving from Chapaqua to New Rochelle** (5th to 6th Grade)
After some time, my parents decided to relocate from Chapaqua to New Rochelle which was another "sub-city-suburb-town" elsewhere in the same county.
In New Rochelle I went to a school called Ward Elementary where I would begin to play basketball for the school team, having gotten much better at the sport over time with practice.
Our school team went into regional tournaments for the year 1998 and we came out as the runners up in the finals of those tournaments.
I also developed an interest in radio control airplanes but they were too expensive at the time, then opting for a more available type of toy flight simulator which happened to be the launching of these little "Estees" model rockets that were advertised on television. The rear end of the thick cardboard tube was to be fitted with a modified fire cracker that burnt in propulsion form as you would have a tripod launch pad with a metal plate at the bottom and a small thin wire pole to slide the tube on side of the rocket over so whichever way it was tilted is the direction that the rocket would go. The thick cardboard tube with fins for flight stability would have the plastic nose of the rocket attached to a string with a little parachute also stuffed into the thick cardboard tube so that when the end of the fire cracker exploded in the opposite direcction towards the vaccim of the nose covering the top with the parachute atuffed inside, the stuffed parachute would pop out with the nose on a string and the parachute open for it to fall safely to the earth ready for use again only to replace the fire cracker like jettison tube from the bottom of the thick cardboard tube with fins.
At Ward Elementary there was a programme called D.A.R.E. which was an organization that established itself at certain schools for children supposedly to be about Drug Awareness and the campaigns that were governmental funded.
I remember each class we had of these sessions and what was said, and for sakes of this narrative I will give the one repeated example that was done so many times that the children had to ask various questions.
When it came to matters about smoking cigarettes, the D.A.R.E. presenter/Instructors were given the following apparatus:
A Glass Vacum Chamber with dead and preserved Pigs Lungs or some other inflatable manipulated lung shape inside it, having a small hole at the top, and at the bottom an electric vacuum to suck in the smoke of a cigarette when it was lit and placed to cover the hole at the top.
The depiction would start with the instructor claiming to explain how people's lungs are damaged by smoking, then proceeding to give an example of taking a 20 pack of cigarettes and turning on the vacuum, one by one as these now plastic ates dead lungs had the smoke pass through them. After the pack of cigarettes was finished, the vacum was opened sideways and so we're the "so called lungs", and what was presented visualy to the students of the class was a blackish browned inside of the lungs and the instructor saying in a n alarming voice "this is what your lungs will look like if you smoke cigarettes, any questions?".
The extremely interesting part was after this were the questions. So many kids asked relevant matters like specificaly "are those a person's lungs?" being told that they were pigs lungs, and then targeting that these lungs they just vacuumed were not alive but dead ones, the presenter trying to make their defence, also other more researched 5th graders asked specificaly about cell regeneration and kinds of substances and healing and growth and the digestion of the body, to a point while witnessing all these questions I have to be honest that I may have been the one to further ask about the dead lungs and regeneration of the human body in a way I saw everyone go quiet just as some others were asking and the same thing happening.
When my dad felt he wanted to retire from working for the United Nations and assume his passion for facilitation of education, and was asked by the Board of Methodist Institutions to come back to Zimbabwe and be the Vice Chancellor of Africa University, which is the largest, or rather most known tertiary Methodist Educational Facility concerning Southern Africa to some degree, as it has students from many other countries who come for its reputation and accredited notability in the "heirarchy" of its time of establishment and strategic and analytical orient of refferal for those who attend it and engage in its inner societies of international connectivity.
When we got back to Zimbabwe, my parents had decided to move to Mutare to settle, obviously because my dad's rural area and most of his family with the Murapa name were around Mutare, also specificaly Tauhona's Mom whom was left to live in his father's house.
I remember us driving from Harare after the long more than 24 hour connectinv plane journey to check in at Mount view Hotel and proceed to do some house hunting as they looked for a house, and finally settled with this one in Murambi Mutare. We stayed at the Mount view hotel for more than a month, perhaps even two as my mother and father did a lot of renovations on the house. The driveway was a dirt road and there was no pavement, there was a swimming pool that needed fixing, the house needed repainting, and I remember when my mom saw the kitchen she decided to have it extended quite some bit at the back of the house on the upstairs portion.
After all was done, we had our belongings moved to the house from storage, at least what would fit and the rest was stored in Old Mutare at another house that My Dad owned there. I remember being unable to find my Nintendo 64 console from the cargo boxes and wrapped things that we're shipped, knowing very well it was definitely stolen, and all that we're left were some of the game cartridges from it.
I was enrolled at Hillcrest Prep School to attend Grade 6, as that was the level of education I was at when we left New York.
My Dad Started working at Africa University and I remember his driver Mr Matongo whom used to take me to school up christmass pass each day as well as pick me up to bring me home.
Hillcrest Preparatory was a good school but with many diverse happenings because of the various kinds of students attending it.
I was still an extremely avid basketball player but disappointed that the preparation school level did not have a basketball league and it was only from high-school level that one could engage in the sport as a participant along with their education, so I would have to wait until after my Grade 7 exams and whichever High-school I was going to attend by then.
Since Hillcrest was mainly a mutare based community of students, amongst my neighbourhood friends were the likes of Arnold and Brian Soko whom lived down the street from me next door to Francois Bennet-Horack and His two younger sisters, who were from South Africa, Tatenda Kangwende who was in the same neighbourhood, Sarah Walton & her older sister who lived up the street from me, the collective of friends from the mutare community at that time were Greg Drybrough who was in my stream and his younger brother, Jason Vosloo who was in my stream and his older sister who by this time was at the high school, Liam Bing, Jonathan Friere who was in my stream and his older brother Terrence Friere who was at the high-school, Ozlet Muwaniri, Alice Sanhanga Tino Mupinda, Megan McKay who lived down the road as well, Ryan Bleckler who lived up christmass pass & John Pinto from Fairbridge Park and others I was amongst.
I remember bringing my basketball to school for breaking since even though there was no basketball court, I would enjoy bouncing it around the pavement by the class while others would either toss rugby balls or play with soccer balls, or whatever else we did during breaktime.
Because of my acquired accent having grown up speaking English and spending the 2 and half years in New York had the other kids give me the nickname "New York" at first when i arrived at Hillcrest
****Form 1 - 4 at Peterhouse Boys Boarding School****
Form ones were kept at a separate location from the rest of the kids on the school grounds and divided into "Houses" of different names and colours that represented them. Each house for the Form ones had a Form 5 student who would be working their way to perhaps becoming a school prefect in Form 6. The complex where the form ones we're kept was a brick stone walled square block with grass in the middle where no one was allowed to walk on the grass and considered out of bounds, the building being around the grass with pavement on the inside and compartmented rooms with bunking cement bed area's and lockers, each with one room for the Form 5 watching over each house of Form 1's, Home/Base Classrooms on the one side, and then the showers and toilet area to complete the square with an entrance that was locked at night after everyone had come back from meals at the dining hall which was the only communal space where all would be, other than the few classes that were held elsewhere besides the base classrooms.
There was an extreme amount of bullying that went on because of the so called "senioral respect of elders", which really was not respect at all but an attitude of blind submission, for instance when an older student would see that a younger one has been allowed to bring their personal rugby ball, cricket bat or bike to school, it was a matter of demand to use with no choice of refusal for the most of the degrees, the same with food "sharings".
There was compulsory Chapel service every morning before morning meals every day, the Chapel having to hold the entire populous of the school at any time, so squashed together that both entrance and exit as the organ player played were done row by row on the pew seats, services done during which hymns we're sung and punishments issued by senior students if any younger ones were not singing, certain very limited scripture readings arranged depending on the day and announcements made if necessary.
*Experientaly Self Taught Learning About Music in High School:*
Music was a demeaned class at Peterhouse and despite that it was not considered even anything for O Levels or a Major, I still took the class.
During this period of time at High School is when i had for some time began to grow an understanding of Music and understanding of the art of Lyrics writting having re-analysed any poetic or lyrical lessons taught through various implements in school systems e.g. language classes and many other places where song is found also having played the flute and learning melodies and the writing of notation at an early age while in the United States.
I turned my Gaming Computer at that time into a crude recording platform when a Software based Digital Audio Workstation called "Acid Pro" was developed and tested through its first few versions being made freely available, and it's "cracked version" later easily downloadable during these early days of "peer-to-peer" file sharing networks. I would use a headphone set's left ear chanel as a microphone plugged into the mic input of the computer's sound card, and hang the headphone on something and use another set of headphones to wear and cancel out any noise besides the vocals plugged into the output to record vocals.
I learnt to mix vocals by tampering with the equaliser and finding the difference between adjusting high or low frequencies, and did the same with other "plugins" over time understanding how recording and such was done. During these years, any studio quality microphone was so expensive compared to the easy acces people have today even finding USB studio microphones that dont even need sound cards, and so i was only able to find a cheap moderate quality live stage microphone and jack adapter and modified my flute stand to hold it in a position like a mic stand, and such was my initial "laptop studio setup" when i opted for laptop portability instead of only using the desktop.
While I was at Peterhouse High School, A few relatives were re-introduced to me from my childhood of visiting family from Botswana and other offshoots of the family tree that we're close to my age, namely Denford Mundondo and Archie Mundondo, whom are brothers, as well as well as meeting their mother for the first time as I remember she used to work at the Meikles shop across from Meikles Park in those years.Denford and Archie were good company at the time to some degree, although the background matters of their family struggles and my Dad trying to help them with educational footing we're at a tension between their individual and personal interests and pursuits in life.
Denford also smoked marijuana and cigarettes and was also a "Black Sheep" to so many people in the family, but his issues did not lie in the food or drink choice as I noticed as time went on.
What was concerning is that my father entrusted me to him as an older brother to keep me company or be watchful for under his wing seeing him as trustworthy, at times not noticing how he actualy was at that time.
Besides the smoking and drinking, the incidents which worried me we're of the following nature.
Denford Mumdondo was a person who liked fast money and for this time he was around me was very promiscuous when it came to females, these parts of his life I was not a part of and tried to stay away from as much as possible knowing the contextual consequences. We only really bonded at any time on the basis of his love for hip hop music and that I created it, otherwise just the smoking and drinking.
There was one incident though as I remember when we both went to the club, and while having some drinks he asked me "Have you ever slept with a woman before?" And I told him "no I havent", and he said "let me show you something" as we exited that club and went to another one and went to the one that was at sanhanga building in town called "chocolate city" during those days. He asked me to wait outside and went inside and called a prostitute who took me to the bathroom inside the building away from the club and I honestly do not need to describe what happened until walking out of the bathroom holding her hand, then she walked off to my disappointment of an extreme misunderstanding somewhere in the back of my mind that I found a mate and realised the terrible truth of what happened. For anyone to understand this kind of misunderstanding, you would have to know that I was maybe 14 around form 1 and still no "sex talk" from the parents, and only random suggestions and mentions of what a girlfriend was and anything to do with sleeping with a girl from peers at school whom unfortunately the majority and usual we're not of the monogamous kind, also myself having only media reference and other surrounding people in society again as a "comparison of reference".
Needless to say I stayed far away from any sexual matters for a long time knowing very well that faithfulness was of great importance considering the kind of evil that just happened with me that night. My first official girlfriend and relationship was with a girl named Victoria Chiposi at Peterhouse High School and it had nothing to do with sexual encounter, neither the second after Victoria broke up with me after I performed a dedication song for her at the social interact show in form 2, later on trying another relationship with a girl called Rumbi also from peterhouse girls, but because of the nature and waters of the social scene at that age not taking matters of the heart and commitment seriously, that relationship also ended as I focused on other things surrounding my education and refining my talents and gifts of interest in life.
I began to play first Team Basketball at Peterhouse in Form 3 as playmaker (point guard), which was a privilege to have been chosen as a form 3 student when the lowest form to play First team anything is Form 5. Apparently I was so good at ball handling skills since I had been an avid studier of "The Art of Street Basketball", those days amongst media and videos shared by interested participants of the sport of basketball were that of an independent League apart from the NBA called "And1", where players such as Allan Iverson who was drafted into the NBA came and we're scouted from.
And 1 was more about ball control and handling skills than just the points scored during the game, and this is what popularised the videos so much that it became a Hip Hop Music Backdrop where Rap music was used to market the League via its players and fans ties with the culture of the music.
The Headmaster of the School was actualy more interested in the Sports of Cricket and Rugby where I would notice that the First Team Basketball coach would have trouble acquiring resources to be used for the sport, but we did get a chance to go on tour to South Africa where we travelled by Train and played a few games there with other schools.
This privilege of playing First Team Basketball at such a young age had me in the circles of acquaintance amongst some senior students either form 4 five or 6 from the point I started playing.
**Learning To Drive at 16**
When at home for fixture free weekends, having gotten my licence at 16 years of age, I was allowed to drive places if I needed to visit friends and such from that age. My Mother and Father were the ones that taught me to drive, and at the point of Lower 6 at hillcrest later written of, I would actualy be allowed to drive myself to school.
***First Time Smoking Marijuana and Incident at Peterhouse Boy's School before writting O'Level Exams***
For most peoples misinformation about where, how, and why I started smoking marijuana, it being missplaced suspection of association with the music industry and culture, is actualy from a friend Johnathan Freire whom was a good friend since Hillcrest Grade school, whom had started smoking before I ever knew of it after High School began, myself having gone to peterhouse, and him continuing from the Preparatory school into the High School College.
*****In all honesty I have nothing to hide because from the first day of ever hearing about, witnessing or attaining the knowledge or experience of what society deem's intoxicants, I have never and will never be a partaker of the willfully drunken or to be drunk or "inebriated" cultures concerning alterations of mind, and reasonings of partakings being anything other than basic consumption and choice of drinkery via brewery or eatery via cookery with all sobriety for every and anything in both question and answer of matters concerning such.****
Since after grade 7 as i was at another school, when on fixture free weekends or holidays I would spend time with my friend Johnathan Freire since we liked the same kind of computer games and we're interested in IT and generally being good social brothers, as sometimes he would tell me what he was dealing with at home concerning his mom and dad who split up and the details behind the reasons why and how it affected himself, his older brother terrence and even their relationships in society. We would actusly sleep over at each others houses quite often growing up.
One day when visiting Johnathans House, he asked me if I had ever smoked weed before, and I told him I hadn't and he offered me to try some, and being not one to judge something just because of what pop stigma says about things I did try some. It had an interesting and pleasant smell and taste and I honestly knew for a fact that what most people said about it was not true from that point, obviously themselves never having had any, others knowing better that behavioural complaints had nothing to do with consumption choice.
It really was nothing to escape anything else to do, but I proffered it compared to the society of drinking parties based on alcohol consumption, which actualy had nothing to do with my distaste for alcohol, but the perverse intersexual behaviour that people would claim "came with it", but honestly are and were totaly separate, most people trying to use their eatery/drinkery/consumability as an excuse for any mischief planned or that arose from moments of chance.
I am writting about this portion of things here because this is about the point in time I was getting closer to writting O Level Exams, and often people would lie and be lied to that anything of academic failure was because of the use of marijuana in my life.
From the scene of knowing seniors on the basketball team, there was one night in our Founders Dormitory room that the seniors I would play basketball with asked me to come to their room and smoke some with them since it was lights out time and everybody including the housemaster was supposed to be asleep by this time, so that the smell of the smoke getting through under the door would not be smelt by anyone or the housemaster. Needless to say on this occasional night that is not what happened and we we're all caught smoking it. The Headmaster and I had really never had any strange encounters of miss behaviour, I had never been sent to the headmasters office to be beaten before or anything like that, so he spoke to me kindly and told me that it would just be a matter of "exclusion", and no record of expulsion, and I would also be able to carry on until I am finished writting my O'Level exams, just that I would have to do so from the premesis of Mr Makwindi, the ex Housemasters House for regulation's sake, which was just off campus of the school, for exam times, coming there every morning and writting, and when the day was over to go back with him as I would spend time studying, at my own discretion and liberty occasionally popping out for a cigarette.
After writting My O'Levels I passed with 3 B's
My 2003 OLevel Results we're:
Physics - B
Accounting - B
English - C
Mathematics - C
Chemistry - D
Geography - D
Religious Studies - D
My parents felt though because of their embarrassment since I was caught smoking at school, that it might be refreshing and reflective for me to see what it was like at a mission school, Needless to say an experimental punishment but very far from the point.
****2004 - Form 5 at Old Mutare & Hillcrest College****
I spent one term at Old Mutare Mission School for Form 5 Level education where Denford Mundondo previously written about was also attending at the time.
I played for the Basketball first team and made some friends at the time during the experiences there, then after the First Term ended, I transfered to Hillcrest College for the transition into the second term.
While I was at Hillcrest for the second term of the year, I again Played First Team Basketball but was approached by my parents proposal to send me to College using my O'Level results.
****(2004 - Going To College In The States in the middle of O'Levels while in the middle of Form 5)****
Before getting to finish my A Level's or get into Form 6, my parents told me that they wanted me to go to the states and study Accounting at a related Methodist College that My Father was connected to knowing the Chancelor/Principle/Head, them having connections to enable my enrollment. It was Called Martin Methodist College in Pulaski Tennessee.
They Chose accounting because it was one out of the 3 B's I had at O'Level, but the Art and Physics indicate Technology and Creativity of which are related to the hands on skillset I had already been engaged in considering IT grades that weren't yet of National Official recognition at that time of study for High School level education.
I had told them that I wanted to finish my A Levels and take at least a Year away from school to figure out my applicable learned skill-set before I chose what kind of course I would want to do for a college degree or diploma, but they authoritatively insisted because of their connections that it was the option to pursue, so I only subjected to trying my best though my heartfeltness was not in any way associated with the accounting field when I was in Form 5 and 18 years old at the time.
Unrecognised by my parents while having sent me to College for an Accounting Major, I had been for some time in the latter days of high-school, a full time Sound Engineer and Local artist In mutare at that time. My college dorm room also became a place I would host many recordings and mingle with members of the local music scene even some students at the college I was attending
During my repeated 2nd year I found out that Brian Soko and Arnold Soko had both Gone to school for Production and Arts, Brian specificaly one that I had looked up online based in Florida U.S.A. called "Full Sail Academy". I tried to have a heartfelt talk with my father about attending the school, but he was still reluctant and against anything that had to do with creativity or music, which did not really make sense to me knowing that in my childhood even when in New York, he would always play Jazz and Blues music in the car whenever driving even during our long journeys by road, and him having his extremely large collection that i would at times browse for samples to use in production, him having two huge CD racks and would always ever so often purchase cd's, so many that he had those that he didn't even get to listen to or unwrap from the plastic covering. It also struck strange how at times he would talk about how he knows Hugh masekela and other musicians of the sort, later it coming to my knowledge he had involvement in the starting of The Hugh Masekela school of Music based in South Africa.
****(End of 2005 - Coming Back from College in Tennessee)****
When I got back from Tennessee to Zimbabwe, my parents we're so adamant that I pursue accounting specificaly as a degree and still persistent about it having to be accounting and not considering anything else.
Also when I came back from college in tenesse, as I know now but did not then, I found out from some peer relatives whom were disclosably clear and truthful with me that many of them we're told not to associate with me because I had been overseas and amongst another cultures and environments, the elders telling them this using the fact that I was a person whom appreciated the smoking of marijuana and cigarettes, trying to mingle the charachterism portrayal of myself with "gangsterism" and African Americanism as opposed to any "Africanism" or local relevance.
This coupled with the fact that I was into music production and making songs, which at the time we we're of secular nature but myself being a general creative as far as I would concern such matters during those days.
I grew to find that so many people would take interest in my ability to create music and the art of sound engineering that I was growing in the knowledge of, but always attribute any reference of it to either smoking or drinking, which honestly do not make sense, such being food and drink choices aside from any skills or craftsmanship that a person may have.
***Meeting Jessie Da Costa (Now Jessie Mahachi) - Kudzai Jnr's Mom***
***Background of Our Meeting****
Note: Some of these experiences carry over int the time period of being enrolled at Africa University inclusive of the entire year up to going to south Africa to study sound engineerin
Amongst the people in mutare whom I pursued the craft of music production and performing arts with, there were many both younger and older people amongst the collective.
When I would "run the mutare circuit" of live shows hosted at various bars and clubs e.g. raylton, mutare sports club, when Chocolate City became Flavor Town where an older guy DJ Fresh used to be hired to play music and tag me along as a presenting act, I met a number of artists and people in mutual circles, namely Michael Da Costa who's stage name was Snypa Kidd and his peer high school friends Nyari Mundangepfufu and Tapfumanei Nyamanhindi who's father owns the today Moto Moto bar. Nyari Mundangepfupfu was a part time production enthusiast who used to help Michael Da Costa with a place to be able to record his vocals and supply him instrumentals etc. We spent some time before this present 2005-06 mention meeting in passing until at this stage would frequently make efforts to work together.
Others that I met we're a younger brother called Immanuel Mukata whom recognised me from having attended Old Mutare for the short season, him wanting to learn about production and such from me.
As for, Michael Da Costa and I, we became close in a way, but with extremely different views of social esteem and any mention of moral equity when it came to most matter, but we bonded very well when it came to the music genre of Rap and Hip Hop via our understanding of the culture and collaborative creative works in it.
I quickly became Michael's "go-to" just like Nyari Mundangepfupfu when he would want to record something or have song idea's, and so I would also take the opportunity to feature with him on recordings.
By the time that Michael was living at His grandmother's house Maria Gorreti Steyne, with his brother Pinky, I would visit often for quite some time bringing my laptop recording setup as we did certain works writting and recording together. Michael had also been quite connected with some artists in Harare, namely Mc Chita who's birth name is Chitarisiro Chiketa, at the time still presenting himself as an upcoming rapper around Harare hosting shows and performances. Chitarisiro happened to invite Michael to a show at the hotel in Harare that has a Club/Bar attached to it where he asked Chitarisiro to bring me along, and so I went. We were given free overnight accomodation as a consolation for performing. That was the first time I was introduced to the Harare scene of the hip hop industry at that time, in the process bumping into Jabulani Hove whom is now at star FM, and also Stunna at some point.
Somewhere along the line, Michael's cousin sister Jessie Da Costa came from Mozambique to stay with him, Pinky and Maria Steyne. Across the road behind SASU where there is a flat complex, was home to King and Gracy, a couple that Jessie told me Gracy was her cousin somehow related, or it was that they considered themselves very close by sisterly relation. Since King was also an avid listener of Hip Hop music and also close to michael, we would sometimes go there and setup, instead of recording at Gogo Steyne's house across the road. Nyari Mundangepfupfu and Tapfumanei Nyamanhindi would often also come for the sessions with drinks and such, Jessie would sometimes watch as well as we went through the process of recording.
****Initiation of our official meeting****
One day during a session where it was just Michael, Nyari, Tapfumanei and Jessie at King's place and we had gotten done with a session while out on the balcony. Michael, Nyari and Tapfumanei out of the blue brought up the proposal "Why don't you and Jessie date one another?" Starting with Michael's proposal of the matter. I gave lots of reasons for not wanting to be in a relationship with anyone because of past infidelity and cheating, also reasoning that I only want to be faithful to someone who is faithful to me, otherwise I honestly don't want anything to do with other kinds of relationships. The conversation seemed to have ended, myself not exactly knowing why all three of them would simultaneously mention the proposal.
The three of them said they needed to go somewhere else, so I told them that it's OK and we would catch up another time, that I was also leaving. Jessie had been cooking while we were in the session so at that time she was cleaning up in the kitchen which is at the end of the hall by the back kitchen door where I would exit.
Quite some time passed having sessions and spending time at King & Gracy's place, the relationship notion towards Jessie and I became a constant mention.
Another time while packing up my equipment into my large bag and heading out the door, again having been the last one to leave, I told Jessie I was leaving and she started trying to convince me to stay. I for a moment realised the conversation we had on the balcony with the guys and knew that it was had with her before myself. I could tell she was indicating that she took an extreme liking to me and while I was still trying to open the door and get past her, she put her rear end into my front, and I shyingly asked her why she was being so forceful and decided to hear her end of the story to try and discern wether it was her intentional will, or something else.
We went back into the living room and she told me as much about herself as she could, that she had come from Mozambique escaping abuse from an uncle she was staying with and that her mother wasn't around and left her with him, that she didn't know her father and some certain details around the need to escape all that was going on. We talked for quite a long time and there was a back and forth about us being in a relationship. I reminded her as much as I knew about the secual confines of a relationship that when two people sleep together things are supposed to stay that way, her being as sincere as she was at the time said she felt the same way. This is the point where our relationship started from.
As time passed, I would go and spend time with Jessie at Maria Steyne's house, having her blessings about our relationship and her happy that Jessie and I were together. My parents were at this time reluctant towards the relationship with given excuses as to anyone's "background" or "class" so to speak, being their concern in conversation of the matter. My Sister U-Meleni also visited later on and came with me to see Jessie and Maria Steyne once upon a time, at least expressing that she didn't want my heart to be broken by unfaithfulness to Jessie.
Since I was familiar with the club scene and Michael also enjoyed going to such places, there was one time we went to what is known as 263 which was Gullivers back then, myself, Michael and Jessie. Jessie did like to dance with me, so at a point on this visit we hit the dance floor as a couple. There was an extremely strange moment where this one big muscular kind of guy walked up to us nearby and just stood watching us from very close. He then came and began to get physical wanting to dance with Jessie to a point we actualy had to leave the club and rather go back home also calling Michael and telling him we had to leave. This actualy was quite worrying for me but I kept calm about the matter for sakes of the love I had.
Other times while being with Jessie at Maria Steyne's house, she would get these visits from a guy named Earnest who drove a Red Pick up truck at the time.
I really didn't want to make anything of it more than what it was, but she would for about maybe 10 to 15 or 20 minutes have to go and sit with him in the passengers seat of the truck. The first time it happened she told me he was just a friend, and yes, I did remarkably ask why I wasn't invited to the talk, or why he couldn't come inside, and after the answers I just kept taking note of whenever it happened if I was there, otherwise I did love her, but things like this we're concerning to some point.
Jessie actualy did get pregnant at least twice, and God forgive, because of fear from my side of the family namely my parent's attitude toward the relationship, we had chosen to abort the babies, the second time so bad that we had to call an ambulance and get her to the hospital. I felt worse about it having asked her what she wanted to do instead of standing my ground for the matter that I actualy was never comfortable with such kind of doing.
We had lots of times doing things together discussing and trying to figure out what we we should do together to move forward from our current positions of living conditions, until it at least came up for myself to be able tp go to south africa and study sound engineering.
Jessie and I to my knowledge were extremely close both publicly and privately, and I left Zimbabwe having had the obvious kind of conversation any other half would, both of us agreeing to be faithful to each other until the end of the 2 year course I was doing for the degree, so we could start from there if I could find a job with it be it anywhere, that was the literal plan I left her side with.
****(2006 - Enrolled at Africa University attempting Accounting Again)****
This was a short time period of which i was coaxed by my parents again concerning specificaly pursuing the accounting course at Africa University because my father was Vice Chancellor there and I would have some sort of advantage.
This re-run of the Accounting Degree included also the enrollment of Denford Mundondo actualy for the same course, both of us to share the same dorm room and be close based on family relation, but honestly speaking, away from any time Denford spent with me, he was always trying to make quick money around "hustles", though I always looked to him as a brother amongst others who shared the same sentiments. Truth be told I did not always feel safe around him, in example of a point of happening where a digital camera that my dad had entrusted me with for some years and I had been frequently using for pictures and any short video attempts, all of a sudden went missing from our mutual room. I specificaly looked at the timeframe of last seeing it where packed away, versus any visitors left in the room unatended, and he and I were the only two up to noticing it gone.
At Africa University along with my studies I did engage in any way I could with my music and performing arts abilities, at that time meeting Mudiwa Hood the now Secular Christian rapper/social media personality, reunite with one of my one year ahead seniors from peterhouse whom came there to study agriculture, and make various other friends and connections at the time from different countries, Mozambique, Angola etc.
Because I was at least determined to try my best for sakes of my dad's will, i did extra lessons with the Business Management Lecturer and other courses but I just did not have Accounting and book keeping at heart at that time.
Since he was quite a close friend of my father's, and understanding that I was more of a creative, he convincingly spoke to my dad about me going to south Africa to study sound engineering, of which I had been doing research for quite some time and for many years proposing this since I came from Tennessee with the first attempt at an Accounting degree.
He finally agreed, but as it seems, it was to a bit of convenience as he had been planning to retire from the position of vice chancellor at Africa University and relocate to Johannesburg South Africa, conveniently where the school I chose to attend and apply for was located, him having alternate appointments at a University called CIDA and some other ventures also at University of Johannesburg which was just down the street from the SABC building next to the Academy of Sound Engineering I had chosen.
***(A Short Summary - Life up to dad's death from 2007-2023)***
From 2007 - 2011 Having gone to A Sound Engineering Academy to pursue a 2 year degree:
When I was in South Africa studying sound engineering nearby the SABC at a school called A.S.E (Academy of Sound Engineering) My Son's mother was pregnant with him, and the news was brought to the attention of my parents while my dad was still vice chancellor at Africa University.
I had been the first to hear from her that she was pregnant and so took some time, perhaps a little less than a week to break the news to my dad, I myself was happy about it, but knew that he would not be, reason being while our relationship commenced from 2004-2006 with my sons mom, both my parents would repetitively shun her because of coming from a simple and humble background, always asking me why I didn't find someone with "class", i.e. more money, or someone who was able to go to college, at least three times sitting me down and asking me to leave her.
My declining of the request did not please them and so I was taking time to think how to present the matter. Suddenly, my father by the weekend called me and asked me to meet him in sandton at a hotel and I traveled knowing that someone had told him first. I watched him sit down for about 5 minutes breaking down in tears saying "how could you do this to us", very silent myself until having to say "sorry", and with no other words spoken, he just gave me combi fare to get back and walked away.
We didn't talk for a very long Time while I was doing my lessons at school from where i had been set up in a one room apartment at a complex called "Laborie Village" down the street from the school. I did my first year successfully, and my son was born in the middle of the first year on September 26th of 2007.
When Kudzai Jnr was born on 26 September 2007 I came home to visit and see him since my parents were not allowing of his mother and my relationship in their eyes and she was staying elsewhere with the baby. On this first visit I had noticed there was something wrong, because she told me that somebody had told her i was sleeping with other girls at house parties etc, when in fact I had been focused on trying to start a music career amongst the music community of the area whom happened to be Bongani Fassie, Da Les, the Late Ricky Rick, and the Late AKA whom was a classmate at the school. Someone obviously was purposely trying to break us up. The only people who could have such access to her number was possibly another zimbabwean called Paul Gomwe, who was also at the same school with me whom my dad took a liking to, even to the extent of staying at his house in Harare and always helping him financially in certain ways. He and his friend Griffin Gono were also staying in the same complex in another room, and these are the closest people who could have had access to my phone to get her number if i ever did not have airtime and used theirs to call, or if I let them use my phone. I was unable to convince her otherwise, so that was the end of our relationship.
I continued my studies in Sound Engineering as the course in the year 2007 was a 2 year course for the degree level of certification, making my intended ending of studies to be 2009.
I successfully and very easily made it to the end of the first year final exams with no struggles to note, all the while having many vivid experiences amongst the community in the area I was a part of dwelling with.
During the first few months of my studies, I would explore the compactly congested area of Auckland Park, the SABC facilities being part of the Sound Engineering Academy and some of the area of it being known also as "Media Park". Ghetto Ruff Records was right next door to the Administration building of the Academy literally right across the entrance of the SABC building.
One Day during my class breaks, since I would always make it a habit to burn CD's with my mixtape recordings, I decided to visit the Ghetto Ruff records yard, where it literally was a house renovated into office spaces and the outside cottages were individual studios. I walked into the first studio and there was bongani fassie (whom I didn't even know at the time was Brenda Fassie's Son), and I greeted the group of people in the studio whom we're sitting and communal discussing something. I introduced myself explaining that I was from Zimbabwe and a student at the Academy next door offering to share my mixtape with them. Bongani introduced himself to me and was pleasantly happy to listen to the music and immediately took a great liking to me and the music produced and welcomed me as others in the room also introduced themselves to me as well. I remember this first time meeting Maggz, Crazy Lu and others from their circles that were in the room at that moment. Bongani said I was welcome to come anytime and to feel free, so I went back to my next class's when it was time.
Kenan Forbes the late A.K.A. was another student int my year stream, but we did not officialy meet until another brother whom I would spend time with in my bedroom studio setup making music with introduced me to him, though we would see each other in either the Pro Tools class sessions where after the lessons instructions people we're free to use the Computers and interfaces to practice creating or whatever they needed to.
I had also become friends with a Zimbabwean also enrolled at the Sound Engineering Academy named Paul Gomwe, who was also staying at the same Apartment complex Laborie Village that I was staying in. He was sharing a room with his cousin Neil Griffin Gono who was working at a place called the sandwich barron. Paul and I would spend a lot of time together as he also met my dad and on one holiday going back to Zimbabwe we traveled together and i went to stay at his house in Harare.
The First Year of the course 2007 - 2008 academically was not a challenge and even from the transcripts of my grades it is evident that I had no hindrances or difficulty with my studies.
There is a lot to explain behind the second and last year for the degree as I would visit home to see my son.
With really not much reasoning, during the second year, my mother began to keep taking me to phsychiatrists saying she wanted to find out if i was depressed. I had no depressed thoughts, was always happy around people and very concerned when It is as if i was being convinced over and over in multiple sessions that I had some emotional problem.
The seeming "guilt" of being a father at 20, and the attitude presented around my son's birth caused me to have a suicide attempt at the end of my second year immediately in the weeks of final exams for the end of the course, of which i was passing with no problem. This made the depression accusations worse now and there was no differentiation it being circumstantial, or inherent since birth, and was never asked myself about my childhood, there was always just a focus on that specific time in any interview or conversation about it.
The so called diagnosis went from firstly "depression", then supposedly "manic depression" from a different source of opinion, then somewhere else to "bi-polar". This is the year i started opening up my
bible, and i can tell the devil was at work in certain ways i didn't even know up until coming back to Zimbabwe in 2011 and at a much later time still being in Good books with my son's mom, when as she took time to disclose things to me, she informed me that while she was pregnant, she was approached by certain family members to have an abortion and other things, such as the below happening quite some time later after coming home to Mutare.
From 2011-2012 I spent time creating instrumentals and recording certain musical efforts. I set a goal of making at least one fully mixed down and arranged instrumental every day for 365 days, and at most times would manage one full one and 4-5 partially made ones. My intention was to build a database of instrumentals that I would be able to market and sell to upcoming or established artists at that time.
Kudzai Jnr was still 4 years old by then and I was still based in my room upstairs and he was based in the main room with my mother but would most of the time as much as possible spend the night and time with me in my room and whenever I went out sometimes coming with me before he started going to pre-school and during, sometimes to go to the shops as I would get him some lol pops and what he wanted as I could afford at the time.
Notably, some years after coming back to Zimbabwe in 2011, the "psychiatric" torment stopped for some time because my mother was really not happy with it and as far as she was considered did not want to have anything to do with it. My parents knew i smoked and drank for a long time since high school, and they both also drank alcohol, them even being ok with buying cigarettes for me quite a number of times, so there were 3rd party influences on their perceptions of me from other people that were obviously no true.
Around 2012-13, someone influenced my parents to resume the "treatment", but this time around, it was worse torment. There is a nurse at Mutare general named psychiactric ward named "Gibson Jiyangwa", who since there being no "warding" anywhere in Mutare, has for many years taken it up himself with others to start their own so called "rehabilitation centers", of which anyone can tell, that there are not so.
The conditions of which have been as such: A run down house will be rented, a three or so bed roomed house, every window fixed with burglar bars, the room doors bolted, the rooms empty with nothing inside and a 18-20 year old young man or two with no nursing background of any sort perhaps from the rural areas who will accept 40-50 dollars a month and give people pills they themselves will be abusively taking themselves, the patients really only having blankets on the floor and a pillow, never leaving the rooms for 90 days, no "occupational therapy", no daily or periodical analysis by a psychiatrist, the food being two meals a day just a plate of rice at times with nothing, and maybe a spoonful of tomato soup, or sadza and really no veggies for everyone as there would all sorts of favouritism going on between whoever is admitted and the boys hired, the nurse himself collecting 200-300 dollars each person "admitted" (200×10 =2000-and unable to buy beds, plates, or forks and spoons for eating) he not ever visiting to see them, then dismissing them on the basis that they are now treated and healed.
BASICALY EVERY SINGLE PATIENT would be FORCED to be given an FD shot every month even if they didnt drink or smoke, of which FD is supposed to be for psychotic patients, not for people who drink and smoke, as he would collect 15-20 or even 30 dollars at a time from door to door administering this injection by force, upon refusal then forcedly overdosed with it to supposedly "sedate" the person, of which such overdosing method of a full syringe was used to make a person pass out so that they are carried away to this house and locked in the room for 90 days. There are no drug tests done, and often people are lied about so that this happens. I.e. I heard that i was suspected to be taking crystal meth, but I have never been one to engage in the lifestyle of its purchasing, being way too expensive and various other reason's e.g. i am not a person with the will to be alternate minded, drunk high, or whatever other people reason their alcohol drinking or other eatery and drinkery indulgements.
What I saw is that he would collect a database of people who's relatives complained about smoking or drinking habits, and maintain their complaints for the most of one sided reasoning, most if not all people admired would be having either inheritance issues, or certain family disputes, using the excuse that the admitted person smokes or drinks.
I asked every single person I was ever in these situational confined with about why they were really forced into the situation, and these we're the consistent reasonings, weather it was a child admitted by parents, or someone brought by close relatives, or even a married person by their spouse or in conjunction with relatives, the actual problems not having anything to do with their eatery, or drinkery choices, but elsewhere whoever they were. Besides my mother, my father being in south Africa, there was no one else who would come to visit me in these situations besides friends that i would communicate with about where i was and what was going on.
Here I am referencing visitations because of ONE SPECIFIC and isolated visit from My Cousin Tauhona Tendai Murapa in such, whom really did not visit me for any other reason but to tell me, "if you're not careful, someone else will end up taking care of you, either Mele (Meleni Mhlaba-Adebo : My sister from the same mother but different father who lives im Boston USA) or SOMEBODY HIMSELF", and then he left with those words being his point of visit. He has never before this or after this one incident ever visited me for any reason. (This must have been 2014 being the year that the Trust that my mother began with my sister and I as beneficiaries was formed)
From the begining of 2014 - 2015 a group of people amongst the artist community in mutare, the likes of Kritic Igwe currently of Diamond FM, Leonard Tsikira (Lampy Zkit) also of Diamond FM, Henry Tsopotsa from Courthauld management, David Mutanda (Flexxo Mushawarukwa) and many others proposed that we do a weekly Thursday session at Courthauld called "Hip Hop Thursday" where they spoke to me about hiring out my JBL 3 Speaker PA systems which i had during those days saying they would try and compensate to pay me for the hiring of it with fuel for transporting it back and forth each session. The sessions went on for quite some time into the next year but I was at a point unable to permanently be the supplier of the PA system for a number of reasons given the current financial situation I was dealing with. I eventually ended having turned into an attempted festival called Jibilika Festival of which few sessions we're done.
During 2016 I was based in Harare Mount Pleasant and worked as a Sound Engineer and featuring artist, having gone there with Lucian Mutasa who was at the time presenting as a brother in Christ, both of us lodging with the manager Namatai Moyo who proposed a Christian Hip Hop Group that her and her sister Nomsa Sendla Moyo were trying to start at the time and having finished the job i decided to prolong my stay in a one room with Lucian as I ran my studio setup from there for some months. I recorded an acapella choir that wanted a quick demo done, a presently known Harare based Gospel singer Taffy Rue came with her husband and bought a beat to record on and various others. One evening I got a call from Kudzai Jnr's Mother saying that there was an influence from tau murapa between my parents to sign over the guardian rights to my sister in the states asking me what to do about the matter and I advised her not to do so just because she doesn't have as much money.
Tauhona Tendai Murapa is my Fathers Sister's Son whom i would only ever really spend time with at his mom's house in my teenage years while in high school and before i was forcedly sent to the states in Form 5 being about 17 years old to study using my O Levels, though i wanted to write my A Levels and take some time to figure out what i really want to do in life.
Upon coming back from College in the The United States around 2004 or so, i really never spent any time with him, other than him knowing i had started to take a serious passion for music production and it even being played on radio stations etc and sometimes giving him my music briefly, but truthfully without any time spent.
From 2011 up to 2022, If ever he came to my house here in Murambi to visit, he was only ever concerned with seeing my dad, and for years on end would drive in, Go upstairs passing my door downstairs, see my dad for whatever reason, come back out passing my door downstairs and leave without even saying hi. If to mention any time he ever knocked on my door, it I less than a handful (5) times in 10 years for anything casual or "cousinly", one time it being moments after i had a dream about him which i shared with him. If I was ever home when he came which was usually in the evening, I would hear his car and check who it was coming in. Initialy up until my mother's passing away In 2020, his wife Sarai was the one who would come to the house and see my mother when she could, but her interaction and reasons for visit we're with my mother and not for my sakes.
One of the day's he drove into the driveway and I opened the door to see what he would do if I said hello to him was notable as he only said hi back quickly walking up the stairs to the front upstairs door saying out loud to himself "See, easy as pie", of which I stood there for a few moments wondering what on earth was "easy as pie" in his mind.
During late 2016 is when upon going out and coming in, one day I came and parked the car in the driveway and found my mother in the pool with her head under the water holding the side of the pool in the fashion as if she was practicing swimming kicks but I could tell the way she was holding her head under water that there was something wrong and I asked her what she was doing and if she was OK, but she didn't answer and kept kicking and forcing her head under water. I ran to her side and pulled her out of the water asking her what was wrong, her not wanting to say anything at all. I took her inside the house and to my shock was a note she had written in big letters on an A4 Piece of paper written "I Give My Car to my Son Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa" with its car keys laid next to it, her obviously having done this before she went to the pool.
I honestly did not know all I do right now and so my first call about the matte was to Sarai, Tauhona's wife who came, but my mother had very few word's to say.
I knew something had happened on her side but she did not want to tell anyone.
This is around the time a young lady called Fortunate Mbidzi started working as a part time house girl to help my mother with things in the house.
2017 - Studying IT Programing at Mutare Poly
(#LongStoryShort -> timeframe )
Having had some and many conversational times with my mother, during 2017 I enrolled at Mutare Polytechnic to study IT Programing in another effort to please my parents desire for "having a degree/certification" which was their pride and joy in an old school understanding as though every single person who gets an degree or certificate is automatically going to be hired for a job by default, knowing very well that over the past two decades since the turning of the millenia in 2000, certifications and relative courses being so widely available that to this day someone can even get one for basic baking and pastry making, experience still being the main factor in any case of employment anyhow.
In the first few weeks of the course I had made friends with some people in the homeroom class I was in specificaly a young lady named Ropafadzo Dinnizy Mugochi who lived in Chikanga with her sister, mother and her sister's two children.
Throughout the year of study Ropafadzo and i engaged in a relationship into the first few weeks of the year but over some after having introduced her to my mother and my father as he came to visit from South Africa once that year.
I found she was being very deceitful to me about her relationship with many other men both at school and many other places including mutual friend circles as communication from her phone and various happenings both in and out of my presence with her occurred over time, the nature of them extremely obvious. I honestly felt obligated to continue commiting to the relationship even going as far as taking a trip to spend time with her brother and mother in South Africa where her mother was working as a Hose Maid myself trying to liase and fulfil cultural regulations of ceremony later ended during 2018 prior to the mentioned visit then.
Studies in 2017 were very difficult also trying to keep up with matters surrounding Ropafadzo but we both made it to the end of the first year passing all subjects except for the Programing class specificaly both of our results of that nature.
I also had other things happening in favour of the music I was creating and the Music Ministry outreach of it in 2017 begining to get airplay in Malawi thanks to a radio DJ named K-Don who happens to be a nephew of Super Mandiwanzira, but our getting into communication with each other because of the 50+ whatsapp groups I had built up being a part of over time, some of which were Malawi based and he being a part of one taking note of what I would post in the group.
I decided myself to disengage with the Mutare Polytechnic IT program since I was only really doing it for the piece of paper certification and really if ever getting to study Programing I would want to have done it with choice of which Programing language and for whatever specific reason and application I would actualy be able to relate to other than just having a piece of paper for certification.
I continued the year many pursuits in the music ministry and personal ministry as an individual Christian brother amongst many in Spirit and Truth all over the place doing as much as I personally could.
This was around the time I was close to finalising the drafts of certain scriptural referencing and sharing of that has become the www.Revelation18SnapBack.blogspot.com blog that I use as a vessel for easy access to whomever can get data bundles or has WiFi and others to as well share.
2018 being the Election year of that period had me pushed to an extreme alertness since I had been noticing much that had been going on in mutare from many mega church evangelical missions to it. Some people who would attend certain gatherings even at the fairbridge shops down my street would have conversations about the bible and what they were taught saying things such as "people are no different from dogs and animals and plants when it comes to reproduction and multiplication intersexualy", upon revising these and other places of gathering I would go, not all at this level, it was quite obvious at this time that Harare being Mega Church Central and Politics Central that some many people rather trusting in numbers and size of following when it came to religious orients were manipulatively lied to, which gave me an extreme prompting to at least do what I could as a decently aware citizen as far as led by the spirit with such insight. This had me take a trip to the state house in Harare and I was quite surprised on my arrival even though late past 12am in the evening that I was told so many people had also come in the same way but with different messages wanting some sort of political gain and that what I presented was very different and confirming. Since I had done this trip in secrecy away from anyone even my mother's knowledge, it resulted in another of these incidents with Jiyangwa who by that time was using a house in Chikanga.
For sakes of any of Tauhona's other stories besides him talking about how i smoke and drink or seccond hand information of anything anyone he knows saw me do, there was another incident in 2018 at a time my mother had given me her Red Honda ballade to use personally and freely since she had thought it would not start, it having been in the garage for over or about a year, and i alerted her that it was still functional and just needed to be run daily to keep it in shape, so since there were five cars at the house, she said i could just use it for wherever i needed to go and whatever i needed to do as long as I put the fuel I needed into it during usage. Unfortunately we had not checked the car tires which we're a bit worn and resulted in this incident I am speaking of. I had been using the car for at least a month or two safely and trustworthily, and upon one night around 6-7pm getting to my house gate, i decided to turn back around and go to the zuva service station down the road and get a pack of cigarettes since i had work to do and would not leave the house in the morning immediately. As i was driving down the road at usual moderate speed, i felt the car begin to torso to the right though my hands were firmly on the steering wheel straight forward, and something told me not to turn the steering wheel from the straight forward position or the results would be worse. All of a sudden the car spun 180 degrees, and because of having an EXTREMELY light weight body for the car, it swung into a light post on the opposite side of the road facing the opposite direction as the passenger side door was bashed in into the seat area, it having struck the pole on the left side.
I tried starting the car and it was fully functional, the wheels turning and engine revving but it was in a wedge of a ditch by the pole's position and could not move. I got out of the car and took all the things out of it and locked it, while doing so, a combi going up the road in the direction of my house gave me a lift to my gate having seen the accident.
In the morning since I had the keys for another car as well, I took the discovery land rover to go and make a police report having to pick up the police officer from the station. My mother was still asleep so i i took the responsibility to do the right thing. We got to the site and as he was examining it, i explained what happened and he examined the skid marks that we're on the road, asking me if I was speeding or not. Upon further examination of the car we both looked at the tires of the car and saw the rear left tire was burst, but the rest of the tires were intact, and this was the cause of the torso direction twisting of the car, its final bursting causing the 180 degree turn and flying to the other side of the road, it made sense and he wrote his report, and we went back to mutare central and i dropped him off.
Since the car's engine mechanism and prop shaft were intact and the chasis was the only thing in need of repair, I decided to get a mechanic friend named Sam in Florida who does automechanics servicing at his home to give me a quotation on how much it would cost to fix the chasis. UPON ARRIVAL AT THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT with Sam, WE FOUND THE CAR HAD DISSAPEARED AND SOMEONE HAD TOWED IT.
(I already knew it was Tauhona Murapa).
So we drove to my house up the road to investigate. We found Tauhona Murapa In my driveway speaking to my mother as we parked the car, and the situation proceeded as thus. I got out of the car and asked Tauhona if he had towed the car as he said yes and made accusation that I was driving drunk and that is what caused the accident, this obviously what he was now telling my mom by the time we reached the house. He did not want to reason with the evidence and just because my mother had not seen the car he started a verbal fight of which I decided to avoid by asking him one simple question, "Do you want all these things, the cars and the house or something?" And his answer was in a furious rage screaming the words "Yes i want these F***ing things".
So I held My peace and went to drop Sam Makaza back off at home, having no way to get a quotation on the vehicles restoration. That was the last time the car was ever seen.
My mom passed away in 2019, having my dad come back from South African, him having been there since around 2007 residing and working permanently, only coming home to visit maybe 3 weekends each year, but always only for business.
Things were not actually good between my mother and father for a long time as a lot of truths about how bad it was came out over the years since i was in south Africa, one incident namely my sister asking both my mom and dad if they were still together when she came to south Africa to get married to her Nigerian husband.
She says that they just went quiet and did not want to answer, this being 2009 or so. My only personally witnessed evidence of such was a single day in high school boarding having been home for the weekend and one night lying in bed about to go to sleep hearing them arguing and their bedroom door opening and slamming as my mom said out loud "talk about sleeping with someone else's wife!", and she went to sleep in the office spare room that night.
To start off, when my father came back from South Africa in 2020, I would spend as much time as I could with him, him calling me to come and sit with him at one point to tell me "Kudzi, if you ever see me with anyone at the house wether its male or female company, just know I get lonely and need company", of which I noted and obviously did not have any problem with, himself being elderly enough to make his own decisions as I was glad at least he notified me.
Later after my father had come back from South Africa, since my son stayed upstairs and my dad would ask him to help him with online transactions and zoom calls on his phone, my son took screen shots of my dad's whatsapp messages which consisted of many multiples of ladies young and old, some in and others out of the country with messages about being in intimate sexual relationships with them all. Amongst the screenshots taken, there was an elder black lady in the states, as well one of my mom's best friends from high school, Dorcas Makaya's daughter. Dorcas Makaya's daughter would visit the house with her kids from her late husband from 2019 until 2021 spending time with my dad.
Specifically out of the young ladies names who appeared in the screenshots was one named "Charity Mpezuweni", who was a student at Africa university while my dad was vice chancellor and they had known each other since then.
This young lady now before these screen shots were revealed to me, approached me on facebook, and we ended up getting into a relationship beginning over WhatsApp, as after time while investigating and asking about her very long time periods of jot communicating, she revealed to me in exact words "i used to have a crush on your dad", but this spoke extreme danger to me, so I terminated the relationship with her and refrained from speaking to her. I later asked my dad if he knew her as i told him what had happened, and he said "yeah she is like that".
Amongst the messages in screenshots later revealed of their conversations, my dad was asking her "how are the cleansing ceremony's going?", indicating some sort of sponsorship from his end, It being some medical issue.
Honestly these matters of his sexual orients had nothing to do with me, but to some degree affecting me in the way his mind worked which i can know from any kind of experience I had what kind of toll such takes on a person both spiritual and physicaly, social and otherwise it being his own life and choices of course.
This resuming of such mentioned psychiatric engagement carried on for about 8 years from 2013/14 on and off, until 2020 October when I was taken to an officially presentable rehabilitation center called HHH "Highlands Half Way House", a facility operated by "Dr Chirisa", whom is a qualified psychologist and part of the pharmaceutical heading in Zimbabwe, why his facility's have at least an occupational therapist, a psychiatrist, sports activity's, television stations, and he himself does a two days a week visit for his own clients, others showing up for theirs, besides certain social politics, it being more efficient than the prior mentioned experience.
On this October 2020 visit, it did not take even a week, being the 6th day on his 2nd sit down with me, analyzing our conversations together and any reports, him saying "kudzi I cannot find anything Bi-polar about you, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOUR DAD?". Form here, we had a thorough discussion about my life and lifestyle as I had nothing to hide, the drinking of alcohol, smoking cigarettes or even cannabis. He asked me "kudzi do you know there is a difference between a user and an abuser?" And i said "yes i know very well", then he asked me "you preach the gospel and share the word of God but you smoke and you drink, how does that work for you?", indicating people's societal perceptions of such, and I pointed out to him certain scriptures that are conclusively overlooked, namely (Mathew15/Mark16/1Timothy4-5/Colossians2/1Corinthians8-11(11:30)) e.g. how Ephesians5:18-*20* is usaly only ever quoted verse 18 as if it is against drinking, but continuous reading to the very next two verses, collectively connecting with Mathew15, what Jesus said, and 1Timothy4 about all creation of God, as well as Colossians2 and the full section of food sacrificed to idols being 1Corinthians8-11, not just chapter 8 as I is evident when read continuously so. I mentioned that I also do Music Ministry with my musical gifts after dropping the secular influence i had since coming back from south Africa. He seemed to understand where i came from having a bit of a pastoral part timing, and divulged to me that he had a past of being a DJ, hiring out pa systems and used to have locks etc. and knew the music scene and lifestyle, but now does what he does and has a part time pastoral position. He concluded with me to have my dad agree to a restoration of my recording workstation, which had been stolen for quite some time, the laptop and other things.
About this portion of matters was a rumour started by someone that I had sold my laptop for money to buy beer and such, which was not true, there only being a time where my MacBookPro laptop got rained on, and since i wanted to show my dad that i could do some things on my own as he expected, i sacrificed selling my P.A. system in order to get another MacBook Pro laptop. It just so happened that the one that the person i confided in to find a healthy one, his Name (Godbun Bunu) a dealer in certain technology's, gave me one that only worked for about half a month, and It would not switch on anymore after that. Bear in mind this man would be contacted by my dad or mom to do certain maintainance on their computers and i really don't know how far that went whatever he did, at a point in having given him some money for a laptop he did not come back with one up to today, him saying to give him the one he had given me first and topping it with 300 dollars for a brand new one. So Dr. Chirisa endeavoured to ask my dad if he was willing to get me the equipment i needed, and my dad said yes he was.
I then finished the 6 weeks, and went home expecting him to keep his end of the bargain.
When I was to go home from HHH, my dad came and we both went to Dr. Chirisa's office. Dr Chirisa as I could tell from our entire time there "testingly" said to my father, "I asked Kudzi to stop smoking"... him pausing for a notable seccond or two to see my dad's reaction, then saying "Marijuana", again noting any of my father's reaction. From here was mention about the equipment i needed in order to continue my self employment, but one worrying statement that my dad spoke upon the day of discharge concerning what he wanted me to believe was "Money is the source of life", of which at this point both Dr. Chirisa and I did not say a word.
The first night at home, since I was away for so long, I decided to spend time with my teenage son and sleep over in his room because it was a double bed, he wanted to play his favorite game call of duty with me on our mobile phones in multiplayer mode as a team. After being in his room for maybe 30 minutes, my dad came in, furious that I was spending time with my son in his room for whatever reason, and began to try and wrestle the keys for the house from my grip.
I just put them and my Hands in my pockets as he was being violent and laid still on the bed resisting the violence until he went off back to his room.
I then called Dr. Chirisa and dictated to him what happened since he had given me his WhatsApp number, and he quickly and surely concluded in exact words "no your dad is the problem", but since he is based in Harare, it was hard for him to do anything about the matter, and we fell out of any communication loop since then.
I spent the years of end 2020 up to mid 2022 without a workstation of my own to use. Spending In 2020 while my mother was still alive before she was bedridden in anyway and still on her feet, there was another incident that involved Tauhona Murapa and the B1600 truck I had been using. I used to visit someone from the artist scene called "Aguilla" some years before, and since I had not seen him in a while I decided to start checking on him to see how things we're going. On my 2nd visit to see him, there is a time I had arrived at his place, then left to go to town and get something, and on my way back turning in towards chancellor school where the museum is located, there was a combi facing towards town right by the turn apearing as though it were attempting to make a U-Turn by backing up very slowly towards the turn towards chancellor, and as I turned into the road to chancellor it accerated its backing up and hit me on the drivers door side of the B1600 bending the door and breaking the window as I immediately stopped the car. I got out and the driver and his conductors acted though they gave me the details of their boss and I took the licence number of the combi and then they drove off. I continued what I was doing, and then went home to call the number I was given, but the person answering was someone from beitbridge with no relation to the combi driver or boss. I told my mother and showed her the details I was given and explained what happened. She was ok & just concerned how we would repair the car. A friend I had known for a long time named McDonald Betha who lived down the street was doing landscaping and needed a truck to use to carry heavy and large stones that would not fit in his small car. so we discussed how he would be able to help with the repairs for the truck after finishing a rather large job for the city of mutare while he was doing the meikles park area and would be paid by the city of mutare for the job, I had not discussed this part with my mother in detail but she was aware to some degree. As I let him use the truck, for a few days, a day came when my father called from South Africa very angry and having been told an alternate version of how I had let "someone" use the truck and about its damage, telling me that I would not be able to use the cars for the moment. I asked McDonald who had seen him using the truck and he confirmed for me that it was Tauhona Murapa, and that their exchange of words included some comments from Tauhona Murapa about him being in charge of everything that my dad owned and some other negative things about me concerning such matters.
My mother passed away in June of 2020 and shortly afterwards is when my dad came back to Zimbabwe to relocate back to the house where I was.
From 2020 until 2021 December, the being sent to Chigodora at Jiyangwa's rented house continued on and off for suspicious reasonings such as a young lady named Takudzwa Shantel Mwatiza, whom i got into a relationship with in 2020 while she was 17 years old turning 18 the next month, apparently to avoid her parent's getting me arrested, which didn't make sense as i was in direct communication with her mother, so sadly during this period of being locked away, as she began to engage in sexual activities with my surrounding friends circles, as i caught her with messages on her phone from a specific person named Mdara Stone, and his friend Joe Flex from chigodora, of whom were claiming to help her see me while i was in Jiyangwa's confines. Her infidelity became apparent, once again from discovering phone calls and sexual messages from even one of her friend's boyfriends in Rusape.
She wound up till this day living with a guy called David Joseph whom used to claim to be a fan support around my music career, the only other attempted relationships i had after this was with an older young lady called Cordelia Masalethulini from Harare, anotheĺr one with Spiwe Marange who lives in Nyazura but these following two nearing the time of my father's death.
From 2021 onwards my father and I had some man to man conversations as he would put a beer in the fridge for me as often as he liked to and sometimes I would be able to ask him for a Cup of Wine or something to drink.
Since 2021 my dad was complaining about his left leg being painful and hard to walk on. From 2020 to most of 2021 he was still able to go out to the bank and drive by himself and even do grocery shopping etc. and nfortunately, despite my advice and that of others, and him trusting medical science, opted for a recommended spinal surgery that was supposed to cause the pain in his leg to go away by removing some nerves from the base of his spine. This only made things worse.
By 2022, my dad was in such a state that he needed to be carried in a chair to the car and be driven and be taken around. He invited his cousin brother John Murapa to come and stay with him, of which he slept in my dad's room always with and around him. The other person who he would call to go around with was Tauhona Tendai Murapa. John Murapa began to do some rather peculiar and nonsensical things while staying at our house. One incident had to do with a broken iPhone that my son had that went missing from his room as he had told me about.
In january early 2022, i met Mr Chinengo, introduced to me by Walter Mutatikwa, who had been staying with me downstairs at home moving from his place in chikanga during the begining of the year, i had invited him since he needed help balancing his expenses and because of some of the things he said he was experiencing from his roomates. Mr Chinengo agreed to talk to my dad so he could fund helping me start a clearing agent company by aprentucing at some companies in the industry area near the dry port where he worked so to make sure these things do not happen again.
I started at Divine Freight Services and then went to another office closer to the dry port. The first step was to learn how to enter information into the ZIMRA computer system corresponding with the incoming paperwork. I successfully got to the point of being able to enter information and the next task wad supposed to be in field training by going between the border and office, and would require me to use a car. I would go to the lessons by public transportation & John Murapa was the one picking me up from the office after having finished my lessons.
Mr Chinhengo alerted me that Tauhona Murapa we're all of a sudden telling my dad that there was no progress happening with my learning at the office, possibly because i would now get access to being able to use the cars, and continualy convincing him otherwise than the progress that I was making.
John Murapa startrd staying with my dad in his room during the 1st quarter of 2022.
He said to me one day "do you know that your son suspects you of stealing his iPhone?". So i went to my son's room where he was that moment and asked him if he ever said anything like that, because he had already told me about it being missing. His response was "Dad someone is trying to cause divisions amongst people", and i went back to John Murapa and told him that my son did not say anything like that. John Murapa continued saying "Your Son Is lying", over and over, as I was supposed to believe him over my own son who does not lie to me as we are close.
These we're the beginning signs of something being wrong with him and others. Another incident while my father was infirmed and unable to walk was when the dog needed go for dipping, and the cost for it is $1.
John Murapa told my dad that it was $10 dollars to dip the dog. The gardener Benjamin, a family friend who was being very helpful was asked by my Dad if the price went up, and he told him the truth that it was still $1. John Murapa got angry at Benjamin for being honest.
My father passed away 27 October before the beggining of November and there was no funding effort made by anyone for me to continue the clearing agent training.
Mr Bere told me that "for now" I get a 50 dollar weekly allowance, but upon visiting Tinoziva Bere's office, the secretary said "in your case, we cant do that" and I was disallowed from picking it up myself from Tinoziva Bere's office, John Murapa was the one picking up the Grocery money for the house, as well as my 50 dollar allowance.
During the "dare" when my dad's belongings were distributed, it was John Murapa who pointed out to people things in his room to take and said i could also take what I wanted, but it was a frenzy of people grabbing things so I just selected a few suits and as many ties as i could. Upon going upstairs to the kitchen area by the washing machine wanting to do laundry I had left to do later, i found that the full basket of clothes i had left was nowhere to be found. Obviously it was taken. The people left at the house with me were Walter, John Murapa, and My Son. Chipo the house girl's arrangement is to come in for a week and have weekends off.
My dad's will was not given to me even on first encounter with Tinoziva Bere, and He Had told me that This House belonged to the trust, but when i finally went to the high court to get a copy myself after him actually refusing to give it to me after an incident made me suspicious.
What happened is that on a day before the day when I would pick up my 50 dollars allowance from Tinoziva Bere's office, i took some ceramic plates from the lounge cupboard storage, left 3 downstairs in my room, and took 5 to take to Mr Kanyenze's shop asking them if they could give me 5 dollars for them. (on the premise that if i don't come back to get them they would be able to sell them but i knew i was going to get the 50 dollars the next day and cod just come and pick them up). Chipo the housegirl told John Murapa that i took the plates, and John Murapa called the police, an officer named Richard Dzimbanete from central and another that i did not get the name of.
They came to the Fairbridge shops where i was sitting for a moment communing before going home, and asked me where the plates we're, i told them that they were in the shop, and we went to go and get them, as well as the other three in my room.
Upon arrival at the police station Mr Bere was angry and shouted at me saying "Kudzi if you don't behave i will send you to CHIGODORA", specific words. I asked him "Can I Have a copy of my Dad's Will?" And he said again exact words "No I'm not going to give it to you".
From there I had to hunt it down myself and wen to the high court as advised by someone, where they told me I am free to pay for a photocopy of it. This is how i got my dad's will and found out what was in it.
Since my dad was concerned during the time he was sick, and did not understand the difficulties i was having formalisiing my music efforts and wanted me to have something in the sort of a business that generated profit, during the end of january i met Mr Chinengo, introduced to me by Walter Mtatikwa, who had been staying with me downstairs at home and he proposed a way to start a business.
Mr Chinengo agreed to help me open a clearing agency company and promised to help make sure I never get sent to such places anymore. By this time 2021 my dad was complaining about his left leg being painful and hard to walk on. From 2020 to most of 2021 he was still able to go out to the bank and drive by himself and even do grocery shopping etc. We agreed with my dad from the beginning of January that i would engage in apprentice based training and obtain a licence to open a clearing agency company of my own for constant "independent" financial income in my life.
Unfortunately, despite my advice and that of others, and him trusting medical science, opted for a recommended spinal surgery that was supposed to cause the pain in his leg to go away by removing some nerves from the base of his spine.
This only made things worse. By this time 2022, my dad was in such a state that he needed to be carried in a chair to the car and be driven and be taken around. He invited his cousin brother John Murapa to come and stay with him, of which he slept in my dad's room always with and around him. The other person who he would call to go around with was Tauhona Tendai Murapa. John Murapa began to do some rather peculiar and nonsensical things while staying at our house. One incident had to do with a broken iPhone that my son had that went missing from his room as he had told me about. John Murapa said to me one day "do you know that your son suspects you of stealing his iPhone?". So i went to my son's room where he was that moment and asked him if he ever said anything like that, because he had already told me about it being missing. His response was "Dad someone is trying to cause divisions amongst people", and i went back to John Murapa and told him that my son did not say anything like that. John Murapa continued saying "Your Son Is lying", over and over, as I was supposed to believe him over my own son who does not lie to me as we are close. This was the beginning signs of something being wrong with him and others. Another incident while my father was infirmed and unable to walk was when the dog needed go for dipping, and the cost for it is $1. John Murapa told my dad that it was $10 dollars to dip the dog. The gardener Benjamin, a family friend who was being very helpful was asked by my Dad if the price went up, and he told him the truth that it was still $1. John Murapa got angry at Benjamin for being honest.
The next issue that arose, now being at the point of my training for the opening of the clearing agency company where i was successfully done with learning how to input information into the ZIMRA system, and now only needed field experience going to the border and using the office of the people i was under apprenticeship with, possibly just because i needed to use a car to do so, Uncle John and Tauhona Murapa began to tell my dad that there was nothing coming out of the training i was doing despite the progress that was being made, even encouraging him to terminate the project. Before i was able to get any field experience, my father passed away before the beggining of November.
And there was no funding effort made by anyone for me to continue the training. I was told that "for now" I get a 50 dollar weekly allowance, but upon visiting Tinoziva Bere's office, the secretary said "in your case, we cant do that" and I was disallowed from picking it up myself from Tinoziva Bere's office, John Murapa was the one picking up the Grocery money for the house, as well as my 50 dollar allowance.
During the "dare" (seated gathering) when my dad's belongings were distributed, it was John Murapa who pointed out to people things in his room to take and said i could also take what I wanted, but it was a frenzy of people grabbing things so I just selected a few suits and as many ties as i could. Upon going upstairs to the kitchen area by the washing machine wanting to do laundry I had left to do later, i found that the full basket of clothes i had left was nowhere to be found. Obviously it was taken.
The people left at the house with me were Walter, John Murapa, and My Son. Chipo the house girl's arrangement is to come in for a week and have weekends off.
My dad's will was not given to me even on first encounter with Tinoziva Bere, and He Had told me that This House belonged to the trust, but when i finally went to the high court to get a copy myself after him actually refusing to give it to me after an incident made me suspicious. What happened is that on a day before the day when I would pick up my 50 dollars allowance from Tinoziva Bere's office, i took some ceramic plates from the lounge cupboard storage, left 3 downstairs in my room, and took 5 to take to Mr Kanyenze's shop asking them if they could give me 5 dollars for them. (on the premise that if i don't come back to get them they would be able to sell them but i knew i was going to get the 50 dollars the next day and cod just come and pick them up). Chipo the housegirl told John Murapa that i took the plates, and John Murapa called the police, an officer named Richard from central and another that i did not get the name of. They came to the Fairbridge shops where i was sitting for a moment communing before going home, and asked me where the plates we're, i told them that they were in the shop, and we went to go and get them, as well as the other three in my room. Upon arrival at the police station Mr Bere was angry and shouted at me saying "Kudzi if you don't behave i will send you to CHIGODORA", specific words. I asked him "Can I Have a copy of my Dad's Will?" And he said again exact words "No I'm not going to give it to you".
From there I had to hunt it down myself and wen to the high court as advised by someone, where they told me I am free to pay for a photocopy of it. This is how i got my dad's will and found out what was in it.
The next incident that happened is also concerning. My phone fell and the screen cracked and needed a second replacement after the first one that was done because it had been damaged for a long time but still usable. Both times I told John Murapa to tell Tinoziva Bere that i needed a screen replacement and it would cost 100 Dollars for an original Samsung A30 Screen. Note:The 115GB inbuilt Hardrive was almost full of my data and work backups, i used it as a backup source. In some days It indeed came back with a replaced origional screen. Note: My phone has no screen lock on it for further reference. This happened in the transitional days of where I wrote about Walter Mtakitwa leaving my premesis.
At the point where he was living in the cottage, Walter had gone on his own accord to take one of the padlocks from the rear kitchen gate entrance and use it to lock the cottage without saying that is what he did. When he came back home I had the kitchen keys in my pocket after using them sometime in the afternoon to unlock the other lock that uses the same key. Both the car garage, kitchen back gate, and toolshed shared a pair of locks that came with the same exact key set. So as Walter came downstairs to me viciously screaming at me "where is the key!! " over and over, myself having absolutely no idea which key he was referring to. He kept threatening to beat me up for it, and I kept asking him "which one?" What key are you talking about. He got so rough with me that my phone fell out of my pocket and the screen stopped working again. Note: THE SCREEN WAS NOT WORKING BUT IT HAD NOT CRACKED ANY PART OF IT AT ALL, MESSAGES STILL COMING IN AND EVERYTHING.
The next day I did the same thing as before and gave it to John Murapa and told him it needed another screen repair.
This also took some time, but these were the results: John Murapa pulls into the driveway and parks the car, he comes to me and says these words about this so called second repairing: "They fixed it but they said they need 5 dollars for a clip on the back of the phone so the battery doesn't fall out". I kept quiet since I know my phone model and have seen it opened many times as i gave him the 5 dollars. The next day he comes in and it is worse than i thought. He handed me the phone WITH THE FIRST SCREEN THAT HAD CRACKED ON IT saying "they fixed it" and after I do a thorough check, tried to turn it on, plugged it in, nothing was working now. I went upstairs to my dad's room where he was sitting on the bed and asked him "does it even make sense that the first screen is put back on and its not working?" His reply was "no comment". So I went to town the next day, first to Tinoziva Bere's office to ask if John Murapa came in for the money for a Second repair, sharon at the desk let me know that he had only come in once.
The next day i went to a cellhphone repair shop and had it opened to see if it was repairable, the phone was opened and they said it was damaged beyond repair, they showed me that the ribon from the screen to the motherboards clip had been ripped off, and the hardrive had a scratch mark on it and had been burnt. I decided to use 15 dollars from my weekly allowance to buy an Itel-A14, which i used from that day on until the trip to Harare having been admitted to Borowdale Half Way House.
i will leavethe text as it is at the moment even if still not in it's most presentable form
Going for phsyciactric analysis & Coming from Harare on June 6th 2023 During the "process", of the handing over of my dad's estate to myself and my son, for my sakes being his father, Mr Tinoziva Bere suggested that because of these accusations that i was Bi-Polar, to engage with a pshyciatric checking of my mental state, myself having to chose a few of the surrounding people who I thought at the time knew me more than others and to see a Lady Named Anesu Isabel Chinoperekwei at Serenity Center in Harare.
This was on the premise to CLEAR ME from those false accusations in the past.
The sessions that i had with Anesu were brief and about one hour long after a urine test finding marijuana which I was a casual smoker of, and extremely general between the two of us, the first one her asking where the bi-polar diagnosis started, as i had barely any time to give full descriptions of any happenings surrounding the time of the suicide attempt and other things she would ask interrupting my detailing of certain things in order to make things clear, her obviously claiming to not have enough time and needing to see other waiting people.
On the second visit, I was asked to bring some people who knew me well, and AT THAT TIME, the three i chose were those who made themselves out to speak as if they understood me for the whole of who I am. Firstly Spiwe Marange, a young lady who had two kids, had been there at my dad's funeral and said she loved me and wanted to marry me. Secondly Walter Mutatikwa who had been permanently living with me since February 2022 and was acting himself to be a closest friend living in the same quarters.
And Thirdly, the person whom introduced me to Spiwe Marange, Iris Shiripinda from Africa University, whom i had confided in for some time since my mom's death, her at the funeral standing up in front of everyone at the body viewing saying she knows that i do drink and smoke but have no drunkard problems and am not crazy like certain people are trying to make it appear so.
This session was accompanied by Uncle John Murapa as well. Anesu spoke to everyone one by one, except myself and Spiwe whom remained pretty much quiet and didn't say much while i was being asked if I was going to marry her and how I considered our relationship, I did most of the talking, and as a Good Christian of commitment in such things being matters of oneness of flesh, explained myself as best as i could.
I do not know what Iris Shiripinda said herself, nor Uncle John or Walter. I do know that Anesu Contacted Meleni Mhlaba-Adebo my sister and also spoke to Tauhona Tendai Murapa in my absence. Upon being summoned for a 3rd visit, as her report on coming from Harare later on June 6 said she did 4 interviews, one of these i was not present for so it seems.
This 3rd visit being At the end of April had Tinoziva Bere present, Tauhona Tendai Murapa, John Murapa and Kuziwa Murapa. Tauhona Murapa, Kuziwa Murapa and Tinoziva Bere are 3 out of 5 Trustee Members of My Dad's Estate, the other Two being Reverend Muchinyerei, and My Sister U-Meleni Mhlaba whom as from this meeting was to be made the 5th trustee member. I was told that i would have to be admitted to a rehabilitation center just because of my use of cannabis and that she diagnosed that i was bi-polar.
I told her and Mr Bere that I am not happy with her conclusion because ever since the beginning of these accusations i have done research on the subject and other aspects of mental health and know for a fact that i have no such traits, but because of my cannabis use it was insisted.
I refused her analysis having already had clear conclusion in October 2020 at Highlands Half Way House with Dr Chirisa, and said if i am going anywhere, it I rather be where a THOROUGH, and closer to truth conclusion of myself was made of such matters. I chose to go t BHH, Borowdale Half Way House, another one of Dr Chirisa's Half Way Homes that is in collaboration with Highland Half Way House.
*****I Checked in at HHH Surrendering (1)My bunch of House Keys, (2)My ID, (3)
My Drivers License and (4) My small Gate Keys on the remote, and (5) My Itel A14 Cellphone and Charger, as i began to see Dr Chirisa twice a week as he would come in to see his clients.
He began to ask me about what had been going on, and since I had a copy of My Dad's will, he asked to make a photocopy of it so that he could see more details on the matter of me receiving my Dad's Estate.
The first thing he had asked me to do was write about the past 5 years of my life, of which be in the open and honest person i am, even about Spiritual matters and my walk of faith as a Spirit and Truth Christian has elements that don't align with the ideals of psychiatry, hoping Dr Chirisa at least having a pastoral background would take seriously. We had not spoken since some time into 2021 and I would casually at times love to communicate with him and update him on what was going on in my life since we did have one or two casual moments in our first meeting. I spent two months there, of which John Murapa visited twice, and Kuziwa Murapa about three times.
During my stay I had a various number of people also admitted that i got to know a little bit and be a Christian brother to, though some were very negative about the bible and the actual truth about Jesus Christ in the new covenant, some even rejecting it and becoming very hostile toward myself because i do believe in it, others openly receiving it in various ways.
I always make it a point to share my weblogs with people that contain bible scripture break down and my free music compilations www.Revelation18SnapBack.blogspot.com and www.RevelationMusicZim.blogspot.com Michael Blair, a white guy who said that his girlfriend falsely accused him of sexually molesting her five year old son and some other happenings who had been in chikurubi for some years now, trying to sort out his issues.
Tarisai (***Still to mention this young man's disposition & confusion of oneness of flesh about himself because of others & doctrinal indiscipline concerning Spirit & Truth NOT MY FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH A "UFI 'halfie-clubber' "***) <*for the final draft of this testimonial portion*>
Abias Chivayo whom told me when i introduced myself that he had been a huge follower of my facebook and music updates from 2011 to about 2016, not using social media much since 2016.
Lawrence, a young man who is studying at Africa University who had been using crystal meth and felt suicidal and tried to cut his wrist with a potato knife.
Thobekile Ndholvu a young lady who works for dande mtande who said she was depressed and felt suicidal. Tapiwa Chasi, Son of Fortune Chasi who claimed he was dealing with spirituality differenciation and claimed to be "studying religions" and had some time ago come back from Dubai. Charlton Nyamakope, a young man who ran His dad's high profile lodge resorts around Zimbabwe who had recently come back from canada, saying his girlfriend was pregnant and he didnt want her to know where he was.
Tapiwa Chasi and Charlton came at a period where i had already been discharged but spent an extra 2 weeks waiting for whatever Mr Bere and others we're doing with delay, their proposal to Dr. Chirisa was to move me to the house in Greenside which Mr Bere said they were refurbishing and would be ready in 2 weeks, John Murapa was to pick me up and take me home.
I did not know if i could trust him because of how things transpired. What really got me suspicious is when I met his mother and sister as they came on a weekend visit and as i was passing the table after greeting and going back inside i saw Tapiwa Chasi typing into his sister's phone as I heard him say "keep an Eye on Kudzi" to her. Also another time He, Charlton and Thobekile didn't think i heard them talking about me as if i had an attitude problem because I would encourage them to believe the Spiritual and physical truth about Jesus Christ, which led me to withdraw from them over time. June 6th (discharge day)- I will have to categorize the encounters from this day forth in their specific natures (Lost Keys)***Upon Leaving HHH, I Was given My Itel Cellphone, My ID, and my House Keys, but they were not all in one place as checked in and put in a brown paper bag seeing tht my ID was in a large plastic Zip lock, and my Phone elsewhere, and because i was so distracted by the enthusiasm I had for the presence of my uncle Kuziwa Murapa and being anxious to get Home and carry on with life, I did not notice that My Drivers License and Small Gate Keys were not returned until I settled down at home in my personal space and took considerable inventory of all my things. I was also given to collect a $50 dollars emergency money that Mr Bere had left. I had taken the phone numbers of some staff members having been friendly with them and made calls for them to look for the gate keys and drivers license even later calling Dr Chirisa and him referring me to Albert the manager, and there was no explanation for them being missing upon my return.
I never travel long distances without both my gate and house keys as well as both my ID and drivers licence, so from here there was something extremely wrong.
(Phone Hacking)
After being Discharged I had turned my phone on in the parking lot at HHH putting in my screen lock pattern and it showing low battery as I tried to see if any messages would come in, it ran out of battery before I could thoroughly check.
When i got home now taking inventory after letting it charge a bit, I turned it on to do the same, but now my screen lock was refusing to work, and I had in no way forgotten My screen lock pattern. It refused to work from there on.
(The Guards At the Murambi house since arriving from Harare)
Upon arrival at the gate, there was apparently one of the guards from a private company hired by Mr Bere owned by a man named Steven Pattison. This young man said he was there to relieve the one who had been there for some time.
The gate was opened and we went inside, the one who had been there inside as we came was named Tawona Mutereko. John Murapa asked them who had been there for the past two months between them, and they said they were switching shifts between daily schedules.
The young man at the gate when we arrived did not relieve Tawona and left, supposedly they agreeing that tawona would just be there for now. There was a problem about the keys left at Mr Bere's office with the house keys not being available because the office was closed.
These were needed because my set of house keys only had the ones for the outer front door, and not the inner verandah door to actually get into the house for upstairs, so Mr Bere said he would send a key cutter to just cut a key for it.
While Tawona John Murapa and I had a conversation with Tawona, myself asking if anyone had come looking for me while i was away, his first answer was "no no one came", then I asked a second time "are you sure no one came looking for me?" and he said "yes someone came a man", then John Murapa asked him "who was the man?", and Tawona described a white car and that is all he said. There was a brief conversation about how tawona was not getting paid by his boss and then John Murapa went upstairs to sleep.
I went out to ask Tawona to describe the car a bit more after some time of having begun to clean up downstairs and he responded adamantly as if we never spoke about anyone coming to look for me and as if the conversation didnt happen. Again suspicious. I commenced to clean up the downstairs room where books and some trash were, organizing certain papers of my own and sorting between what needs to be kept and what can be thrown out.
I did not sleep that night carefully looking for things of importance etc. and while looking, i found certain of my dads documents were tampered with, specifically a book on world economic reform that had the first four chapters missing referring to some reserve bank efforts and Zimbabwe's economic reform, this book being from 1983, the institution behind it based in Nova Scotia Canada.
I also looked at my clothing and found a pair of Jeans that I very well know are not mine, and a great deal of my pieces of clothing missing, also my passport knowing where I put my identity documents at anytime.
I spent the whole night awake without sleeping and sorting out papers I had not looked for in the room for a long time and noticing certain things that were in certain places.
.(7th of June)
At this time, the downstairs door did not have a handle for the door key mechanism, and I had left it locked with a Grey tricircle padlock. By the morning on the 7th of June, I locked the door and went to the zuva service station to get two lighters, and a bottle of vineyard.
When i returned, Tawona opened the gate and I saw a man whom he introduced to me as Tapiwa, and said that Tapiwa was returning the cottage keys, as he showed them to me.
Tapiwa left and i went to unlock the downstairs door to get in. Right at the inner side of the door on the floor was a dried frog. I asked Tawona if Tapiwa or anyone went downstairs and he said no. I became more suspicious, because the only other person was uncle John. I knew there was something wrong and I went into town to see if i could find out what was going on with my Itel phone.
(getting a new phone-phone hacking to be continued)
I went to a guy called Farai upstairs in the Belmont offices who had been trustworthy for sometime and asked him to take a look at the phone, we decided to flash reset the phone and reset everything though i lost contacts and such.
Upon resetting the phone and re-entering the google account password and setting it up, the battery went from 70 percent to 10 percent in a matter of seconds, which was not normal at all. I made the decision to use the 50 dollars emergency money to buy a huwawei honour phone and start from there and communicate with Mr Bere about what was happening, namely with the guards, the trousers i found as I got back from Harare, and the dried frog incident.
I decided to carry my Backpack with all my important documents inside it just incase anytime i left the house. I spent the day cleaning up downstairs and taking out trash to the compost heap and burning it trying to make as sure as I could that Tawona wouldn't enter the room and do something odd. After i lit the fire which takes a few moments more and went back into the room, i checked my bag to make sure everything was there, but the copy of my dad's will was missing from the smaller zip pocket all of a sudden. I asked Tawona if he went in and took it and he became extremely defensive. By this time i had been communicating the issues with the Tawona the guard with Tinoziva Bere sharing with him the details about what i saw in my room, the tampered with documents that belonged to my dad, the pair of trousers that was not mine, and that some clothes were missing etc.
He was sounding skeptical about my reporting to him but he said he will pass by as soon as possible and bring me a new padlock for the downstairs door to replace the grey tricircle one I was using. I had also noticed the WiFi cable had been disconnected, the wires were wrapped around the desk lamp two or three times, the huge pile of extra cables and broken gadgets for spare parts in my closet were Jammed wrapped around the center post, which is impossible to happen unless done purposely, i remember how I left the cable mess. My TeQ NiQ screen printed black tee shirt was missing and the number of blue jeans in my room was less than i actually had before i left.
(Thursday 8th of June)
I decided to go and get another copy of my dads will from the high court the next day and had to spend time finding the new offices. The one light skinned lady with glasses at the desk made it seem as if I was not allowed to see the full file and progress and said something about needing to speak to her superiors, she then came and I had a look at the one document where there was an attempted sale of a piece of land to Mutare city council but was unable to be processed because the title deeds had no name on them. So I paid a dollar a page for photocopy's of the will which is all I could afford for then and would wait for another time to get the trust deed documents. Upon coming back to the house, i noticed a yellow usb charger cable neatly placed on top of my pile of clothes on the floor. I have never bough a yellow USB phone charger cable in the history of my whole life.
Concerns around the lock i chose, and matters of lock picking are what came to mind from these incidents, or even simply the keys I had submitted while in Harare, since my Drivers License and Gate keys went missing while there.
(Saturday 10th of June)
By this time I had been communicating with Tinoziva Bere that I needed a much bigger phone because the one i had could not handle the things i need to do on it. He agreed that I could get whichever i needed at our next meeting when he would bring the new padlock and take me to see the ongoing renovations at the green side house, as well as have me show him the dried from and the other things that happened under Tawona's watch.
The weekend passed with me monitoring Tawona's activities. It took quite some day's for him to show up around tuesday the next week. Tinoziva Bere finally came to the house to give me a new padlock and had at least bought three so i could chose from them. He sat down with me and proposed the idea for me to stay in the Murambi house instead of the green side one and i told him that is exactly what I was thinking was a better idea both for myself and my son. We discussed how the downstairs area could be modified and renovated and have tenants as i would live upstairs in the main room and turn the office room into a fully furnished recording studio. After a brief conversation about the matter he went to go and talk to John Murapa privately on the veranda, but would not allow me to join the conversation.
(Wed 14 June)
I got back home from town and found John Murapa, nowhere to be found in the house, and the front door was wide open, but the inside door of the Veranda was closed. We were only given one key by the key cutter for the inner door, and at that time I was the only one with the outer front door key. I did not go upstairs before going into town to look for the phone and i had locked it the previous day since John Murapa would use the kitchen back door instead. I saw that he had left to go back to Harare, but he did not even inform me or leave the keys for the upstairs main room with me. That is where the car keys are kept.
(Thursday or Friday 15 or 16 June)
Mr Bere came to pick me up so that he could buy me a new phone. I chose a Samsung Galaxy A735G Tinoziva Bere told me that Chipo, the girl who did the housework when my dad was around should come back and resume duties so he gave me her number. Chipo called me and asked me if i wanted her to come, and I said no its OK i can take care of things myself, hoping to have a conversation with Tinoziva Bere about not needing a house girl.
At a later date he called as if disappointed that Chipo did not come in on Sunday. I was unable to have the conversation with him about not needing someone at the house so i left things there that way.
(The Next week)
I noticed i needed to get the Trust Notary Deed as well so i went to the High Court office. At the High Court Office, again it was as if there was some confusion as to why i was coming a second time, and I was asked to come back after lunch time from the time i showed up, saying that they were on lunch break. When i came back, the same light skinned lady with glasses firstly told me that the photocopier was broken, but on further inquiry, and with the help of another lady, a dark skinned big bodied lady whom was much more friendly, the light skinned lady then told me to wait as she talked to the superiors. She let me peruse the documents and chose the pages I wanted to copy, so I chose the Trust Deed pages and paid again a dollar a page.
I left the office and went on to get a combi, which dropped me off just after barring school as I decided to go to my friend Kudzai Gwaze's home in yeovile to use his wifi because mine had not been paid for since i had been away for so long. Kudzai Gwaze runs a studio from his bedroom so i wanted to find out if I could get some recording work done and when. I bumped into my son's mom on the way and she explained that they stay just around the corner and invited me to come and see my son with her, the house belonging to Denver Mahachi whom she has 3 other children with after my 15 year old son, but he has been cheating on her for 15 years, and gotten a girlfriend pregnant in 2022 and since wanting a 2nd wife since 2021 they have not been sleeping in the same room.
I spent some time with my son and his mom clarifying some issues about communication with Tinoziva Bere and what was happening on my son's side that had been going on since i was gone. My Son mentioned that he was denied one on one fulltime extra lessons both during and after school semesters and only limited to those for during the holidays. He had also mentioned that he would prefer to be doing home schooling because he learns better in a one on one environment than that of a group setting, but was denied these options. I told them that I would address the matters with Tinoziva Bere personally.
Denver Mahachi used to be hired by my dad to do certain tax issues as i would in the past frequently see him coming to the house to see him. I then went to Kudzai Gwaze's house to use his WiFi with the Huwawei Honour phone to check on my online activity. The Internet at his place was so slow that evening that there was no even opening a website page let alone downloading any applications or accessing my google account, so I went back home that evening, him saying I can check on him the next day for recording purposes. I went to Denver Mahachi's house with both my phones in order to set the new one up because it required Internet access and my Google account to activate its functionality. As i was login into my google account, i saw multiple logins from other phones during the time i was in Harare, one phone was a Galaxy A53 that model, specifically a model that I had but when the screen was damaged i was told it was un-repairble and sold, but it couldn't be just in that manner because there were other models that i did not ever use during the period between the phone sabotaging where John Murapa brought my phone back completely broken and the hard drive burnt after only needing a screen repair. About four or five different phones, all not my Itel A-14. Some multiple random (SM-****), A Samsung A30 of which is the model of the phone sabotaged by John Murapa, a Samsung A53 a modelf of phone once stolen from me in bulawayo, a Huwawei Y6Pro and some other Itel models I have never owned. I logged out of all the sessions on the phones and changed my password to try and secure some things as best as i could. I then loaded some contacts into i and went home.
When i woke up in the morning, the contacts in the phone had completely disapeard. I knew something was wrong and knew I at least had to hard reset the phone and start again. I went to Denver Mahachi's house again and my son and I hard reset the phone, but as I put in my screen lock pattern, it would work momentarily, and then stop working, then we would have to hard reset it again as the same thing kept happening each time we set a screen lock pattern for about three or four times, and during the hard reset, a small dialogue would appear popping up saying (someone attempted a remote hard reset your device). Finally we set the biometric fingerprint instead, and things appeared to be stable. The problem still persisted though with the logins into my google account of which i constantly had to Log out sessions of a Huwawei Y6 and some other SM-*** phones for quite a number of days, even continually resetting my google password after writing it down each time to note there was something extremely wrong. Up to a point google had to go through me waiting for an email link after 7 day's to confirm the security of my google account. Things have seemed ok for a while since then. My only wondering is because my huwawei phone is a TIT-L00, it is now registering as a Huwawei Y6, which coincidently is one of the models that logged in during my online absence.
Upon Tinoziva Bere's next visit was the visit to show me the greenside house, by this time frame, it was as if he or the trustee's decision had changed minds again and was speaking as if I am supposed to now move into the greenside house. Several times he spoke of wanting to send moving trucks in a tone of immediate need to get me there, but I knew there was no way the renovations could have been done in such a short time. Overtime, nothing happened about the move.
I decided to move upstairs and stay in my son's room upstairs and keep downstairs closed. By this time Chipo had come to resume housework. She had a small android phone that she was using, and beforehand did not tell me that John Murapa was the owner of the phone until later here in august, he came to visit without saying he was coming, and that is when she decided to tell me that it was him who gave it to her.
My Son decided to come and spend a weekend with me since it was still holiday period before school started. Since being upstairs, there are a few things to address, happening-wise. On the first night that my son stayed over, i went downstairs to sleep, and left chipo and kudzai junior upstairs to sleep downstairs myself. When i woke up in the morning i went upstairs and found a chair from the round table in the dining room with broken off shoulders leaning back as though someone had hit it with an axe. Not even a fall from trying to climb something and reach it could break a chair like that. I asked Kudzai Jnr and chipo what happened and no one could give an answer. I called Tinoziva Bere, he said he would try to pass by and inspect it. Then he called chipo's phone and told her he will send a carpenter. He never came and neither did the carpenter. Still no explanation as to what happened. From this point of Tawona the boy guard being dismissed after his boss wanted an affidavit report of the chair being broken from myself and about finding the dried frog and such, and Munyaradzi being accompanied since then up until now, 28 August, by a Joseph Chokuangarira, things have been seemingly normal without anything to complain about, save a number of incidents that I would have to individually and contextually describe.
One thing i can note relative to unauthorized entry downstairs having left it locked and padlocked, is when Munyaradzi made it a habit to sleep in the cottage, and one night having woken up at around 2 am, about ten or so minutes later while sitting on the lounge couch bed i heard a sound as if the downstairs door had been slammed to close, because you can hear it from most places in the house when there is no noise. I went downstairs and unlocked it to check, and i found the light in the bedroom on. The last time i went downstairs was in broad day a few days before and i did not need to turn it on, so there was something wrong with the situation.
****End weeks of August into the begining weeks of September****
This is about the time Mr Chinengo brought Eliezer Kudzai Muchibo and Farai/Taurai Zambara to the house to talk to me about what was happening, the three were in understanding that my rights were being abused via false information and a collective of concocted stories about anything to do with myself, exaggerations of partakings and happenings around certain social circles and different people in manipulative favour of discrediting and disproving any soundness of mind.
We spent a good part of the next few weeks formulating ways of exposing the truth of the matters by which at this point were all too evident in all aspects of the general point that any discredit was trying to achieve.
It was found to be a good idea to write about as many of the events leading to the time of my dad's death and anything relative to the matters at hand and submit them to the master of high court, since when it comes to matters of false information, the inter-departmentalization of any kind of system is taken advantage of between communications and interaction (subject vs report & any credible evidence), not only misinformation taken advantage of, but also anything of unawares that is not disclosed or presented in the face of any false information primarily addressed.
****Begining of September to week of September 15****
As September commenced, I began to notice a great deal about Chipo's behaviour around the house from some certain incidents.
The WiFi password to the router had needed changing, and at first I was open enough to log Chipo and Munyaradzi into the WiFi so that they could use it when around the premises.
When it was changed the very first time, I wrote it down on paper and would always keep it on my person incase of any need to use it even for anyone else, or if anything happened concerning the phone hacking I had experienced Upon coming from Harare in June.
One day having gone into town to get grocery money from Mr Bere's office and doing some basic grocery shopping, I realised i had left it where I was sleeping in the lounge on the shelf where if at home I keep any important items written or of small size.
When I came back from town it was nowhere to be found. I asked chipo if she had seen it while sweeping and cleaning up the lounge area and she said maybe she threw it out with other little bits of paper that I use for rolling up tobacco. I took it as a mere mistake, but then noticed the fact that I had kept the password for a long time and the paper was very worn and even browb from dust I'm my pocket over time. The other half of the paper that had ripped from the fold but had no characters or writing was still there but the one that had the password part was nowhere to be found.
By this time I asked chipo to not clean the living area and that I would take care of it myself so that this does not happen again, but contrary to me telling her this she insisted on continuing cleaning the living room space as I cautioned her two to three times until keeping silent and noticing her still cleaning it every time I would leave the house.
I proceeded to change the WiFi password once more having been given the admin codes by an old friends uncle Mr Mavera who works at Tel One where I am subscribed for Internet service.
The next time this happened that I forgot the password in the tray that I usually put important items in, I had again gone into town for groceries, this time on purpose leaving some tobacco shavings on the floor to see if she did clean up by the time I came back though I had not noticed yet that I had left the password paper.
On my way back I searched my pockets and found I had actually left the password paper and proceeded to check if she had come and cleaned up in the lounge area. When I got back I found that the shavings had been swept up and the password was missing again. Upon asking her, not finding any answer for the missing password.
After this second time, on a Friday around 2pm, I had changed the password for the WiFi again and the power went out around 6pm, and when it came back around 8pm while doing some communication on my phone with some people that were helping investigate what was happening with my dad's estate, there began some strange activity on only one of my cellphones, specificaly the one I use for WhatsApp with both of my lines in it logging out of the WiFi as i was typing and the econet connection of the line I use for phone calls cutting off before the WiFi was logged out.
Knowing the password by heart It would not login anymore, also the admin username and password not working anymore such that i had to call Mr Mavera from Tel One and explain what happened the next day on Saturday, him having long before explained that if there are too many password changes that the system will lock itself from the other side because of strange activity and have to be monitored.
Things with chipo escalated to a point I started taking note of many things e.g., one week I had bought a 1kg of salt, and the following week it was already finished and when asking her what happened with the salt, she answered "hand-tied taibika here?" (We have been cooking haven't we?), the only people having been eating with me we're myself, Munyaradzi and Joseph whom I had been helping with their meals, and chipo, so I decided to keep quiet about the matter in order to see what was really happening.
*****From time to time since coming from Harare I would check the office area where chipo slept, leaving almost every weekend for her "Off Days", looking and taking note of the arrangement of documents that were mostly income and expenditure records for Pagomo Lodge which my mom left in my dad's handling when she passed away and had been leased to be run by someone in Harare. I noticed that the arrangement of documents was constantly changing as if someone would come when I was out of the house and begin arranging things and processing the documents and specifically taking things from the main room which "to my knowledge was locked as I was deprived of access to it", seeing that some of the things I found new to the office bedroom were a pile of unopened letters from my dad's overseas life insurance policy's, some financial statements for some of the companies in the Trust of which myself and my son are beneficiaries, as well as other items like a large plastic bag of old Zim dollar notes and bearer cheques that by the week ending 16 September had only appeared in the room about a week before and had never been there since the time of my coming back from Harare at the beginning of June.
(Catching Chipo stealing stuff)
(Pictures of the Table mats she was trying to take I had sent with the first letter, and with this one I have attached the plastic bag of lotions
******On 16 spetember specifically, when Chipo was going for her off weekend days, I asked her if I could search her bag before she left as she came to tell me "Mr Murapa I'm leaving now" having come to the lounge area where I was, and she only pulled off the top layer of what was in the bag claiming she did not want me to see her panties and ran back into the office room. I quickly grabbed my phone and started recording audio finding her acting like she was repacking and now all of a sudden not ready to leave as she had initially presented herself, now going through things in the closet and the dresser drawers, CAREFULY AVOIDING THE MIDDLE DRESSER DRAWER OF THE 3 DRAWERS AND CONTINUALY PACKING THINGS AWAY IN THE CLOSET for about 5 minutes.
I started to record video with my other phone as I sat on the chair in the office, she began to claim that she wanted to eat something before she left and I asked her what she wanted to eat because there was nothing cooked at that moment except a pot of rice alone, and she kept taking her time shuffling and repacking, then re-deciding that she was not going to eat anymore and decided to leave out the back door as I followed her recording both audio and video. After she left, I went back into the office room and checked the middle dresser drawer and found a plastic bag with tiny bottles of lotions, shampoos and mouthwash some from South African Airways travel kits that they give passengers for flights that my dad would always bring home and I myself use from time to time growing up since 1998 when we started living in the house. THERE ARE NONE OF THESE SMALL LOTION, SHAMPOO AND MOUTHWASH BOTTLES ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE HOUSE OR IN ANY OTHER BATHROOM BESIDES THE MAIN ROOM BATHROOW WHERE I HAD NO ACESS TO. In the closet was the bag she had been packing were some table mats she had taken from the dining room drawers where extra things are kept for use when visitors come.
I checked what she had been packing away and compared them with what was left. Each set of table mats comes in a set of at least 6 for a full large table, 4 on the sides and two at each end. From what she was taking that day and what was left in the dining room drawers showed that this had been happening for some time, one set left with 3, another left with only 2, one of the ones she was taking that day besides the 2 she was taking from it left with 2.
While chipo was away on her weekend off days Saturday and Sunday, I looked as thoroughly as I could around the office room documents and found in the sowing kit box the unopened letters addressed to my dad, some from overseas banks, others from oversess insurance etc, which had not been there from about june to the end of July, noticing this because I had looked for a needle and thread from the sowing kit to sow something between these dates and had found it absolutely empty with nothing in it but now filled with at least 15 unopened letters which had been nowhere else in the office room. Also amongst the invoices and papers for pagomo Lodge were some financial statements which had not been there at all since I had multiple times between these months on Chipo's off days gone into the office to check the documents in there or whenever looking for paper clips or a pen having several times browsed the specific places they were now located all of a sudden.
*****I also opened cabinets in the dining room checking the extra plates and such finding some papers and documents hidden pertaining to a car sale apparently from my mother to someone facilitated by tauhona murapa, a car model I am not familiar with, some used vehicle licence registrations for it and others, papers with lists of vehicles and their Licence Plate Numbers, the 3 at the house "Honda CRV, Mazda b1600, Discovery Landrover" but another one i am not familar with a "Mercedes Benz". I also found letters of permision for my dads Mercedes Benz ML that is in south africa to be driven back to zimbabwe dated months before his death in 2022 but this was not the same Mercedes Benz licence plate number amongst the list of those at the house. I also considered the placement of the papers, it strangely in the dining room cabinet amongst the extra ceramic bowls and plates used for visitors instead of them being in the office or somewhere else which would make more sense if the situation was normal. That is where I also found receipts of CD printing of 15 each with the year dated 2016, both with the name section written "D.Mutanda & K.Murapa", the other with "TeQ & Flexxo" in the same place.
I quickly reported the matter, audio recording and video recording with explaination via WhatsApp to Mr Bere, Kuziwa Murapa, and Reverend Muchanyerei whom I was told were the other Trust members besides Tauhona Murapa the only surving Trust Member for the Prof Murapa Trust since My dad's passing.
After 2 conversations with Kuziwa Murapa, he understood me saying that I am not comfortable having such activity in my personal living space as well as having no say in whom will be there in any case of leaving the house and any of my personal belongings and things not knowing what will happen when I am not around, so he said it would be ok to look for someone else if necessary, myself adding that I actually do not need a housemaid and can do that portion of things myself, and what would be more needed is a gardener.
Tinoziva Bere's response did not make sense, him claiming that I was being PARANOID, and bringing up an excuse of "intoxication" and demanding that Chipo come back to work claiming that we should have a meeting about the matter, he, myself and the trustees, this being the week of 16 September onwards, of which until now end of october HAS NEVER HAPPENED. The very next weekend he instated reduction in my weekly allowance by 50 dollars on the premises that "because I am now eating alone at the house", also saying "things cannot go back to normal until Chipo comes back to work, as well claiming that I was disrespecting him for telling her that I am not comfortable with her in the house and asking her to leave.
Mr. Bere also reduced my weekly allowance from 250 dollars which is suposed to be 200 d9llars for groceries and 50 for personal expenses to 200 dollars being 150 for groceries and 50 for personal expenses. The following Saturday when giving me the allowance he said until chipo comes back that "things can't go back to normal" (Audio recording attached)
Around the weeks of transiton into September, before I caught Chipo stealing things, aparently the guard Munyaradzi got fed up with Mr pattison not paying him for the 3 months that he had been working having seen him in town saying he was going to NECCI to report the matter as he decided to stop coming to work.
From those two week periods, two consecutive replacements were sent for his shift, one only spending one day, the other perhaps 2 weeks before also noticing that he was under false promise about his salary. The next more permanent guard that was sent mid September around the 10th or 11th September who was a young man named Joshua Razor whom said he lives in chikanga nearby 3rd brigade on Magamba Road.
****After Chipo had left, and because I knew there was a serious issue with compromise to the keys for the house and padlocks only having one for each when they all come with a set of 3, I changed the locks on the doors and bought new pad locks or security reasons in terms of any ways that someone would use to enter the house if I was ever out of the yard. I also determined to keep the keys on my person in my pockets incase anyone tried to either take a picture to get extra ones cut from the teeth patterns, or whichever way it would be done from there, also knowing depending on the amount of money someone has, lock picking and various implements are not out of the question when it comes to deliberate intrusion etc.
Joshua Razor brought a girl named Kudzai Muposiri, whom lives in hob house to replace Joseph, the September shift supposing to be Kudzai and Joshua, Kudzai in the afternoon and daytime then Joshua in the evening as they alternated for some time.
**(MAIN ROOM DISCOVERIES - From Weekend Sept 29-30)**
I accessed the main room and found 3 of its windows with the burglar bars broken at the welded points, one with the two at the bottom removed and the window left wide open with its latch screwed off.
Inside the main room we're a number of documents, e.g. the Trust Notary Deed for My Mother's Trust, one of the houses in Harare transfer deeds from when given to my mother, some envelopes with financial records but all including those found in the office room **only up to the year 2019 between only two of the companies out of four in my dad's will, and a few things with account information which was attempted to be kept away from me by not giving me the keys to the main room door, also that the car keys were in the main room.**
I was still sleeping in the lounge even after having been able to retrieve the documents that we're hidden away in the main room from my knowledge of them being there in the house.
(End of September period to Mid October with only the guards and myself at home)
Joshua and Kudzai, since the middle of September, would complain to me that Mr Pattison had not given them to sign their contracts for their work. This continued until the beginning week of October where I began to ask some questions about their complaints and behaviour.
I had taken it upon myself to treat them as a brother and sister whom I would share my music with and spent a little bit of personal time.
When Kudzai would go home from her morning to evening shift around 20 minutes after 5pm, I would sometimes have pitty on that she also said she was never given combi fare saying that she would only get commission at the fairbridge shops around 7 to 8 PM in the evening waiting from past 5 PM, which is basically near impossible for the place and time that transport takes place, myself knowing the frequency of the traffic of public transport for at least ten years, and there is no way that one can wait more than 30 minutes for a combi to come to town that is going to hob house down magamba past the fairbridge shops, so I began to ask her questions about this specific matter, of which she was unable to respond or answer.
I also noted that whenever leaving the house and yard I would allow Kudzi Muposiri to unlock the gate to push it open and hand me back the keys for it after closing it. By this time I had not labeled the keys in any manner and kept all three on the ring of each in my pockets at all times aside from these when going out of the gate.
I then noticed the Gate Lock was looking very different, "apearing" as though it was rust from wear and tear or the weather since it rained some days, but SIGNIFICANTLY with a large scratch on its side which could not have come from the gate latch or even falling, or anything else.
****It was definitely a different lock (at least shell) because I bought all of them at the same time, all being exposed to outside weather, and the kind of them has a gloss coating that would take more than a year for such to happen. If at any time the gate lock was changed it would have been at the times of giving Kudzai the Keys to open the gate and for her to switch the lock and set of keys while having her back to me and handing me the different set of keys instead of the one I had bought, but without having any way of specificaly determining this, I decided to change the gate lock as I further noted about the issues surrounding the padlocks.
***Sunday 15 October***
The next thing I did was began to look into was both Kudzai and Joshua's claims to not have received their contracts.
I called their boss Mr Pattison and asked him if they had signed their contracts, his response was initially that they had signed their contracts upon beginning to work which contrasted drastically with their claims.
The first one I called was Joshua Razor whom had not come on Saturday 14 & had an awkwardly double minded response and told me that he hadnt signed his contract, then said he only signed the beneficiary paper claiming there were 3 things to be signed and at the office, then again saying that Mr Patison said that there were no contract papers when they joined and they were waiting for them a month later for Joshua and half a month for Kudzai, which had been the argument used since they began working, it being just over a month for Joshua and about 3 quarters of a month for Kudzai. He then conceded to make no sense of what he was saying so I decided to tell him I will talk to his boss and look at their office until further notice. I then called Kudzai's mother, since she had nowhere for me to call her directly and her mother said that she had never signed anything.
****Week of Monday 2 October - Seeking Legal Representation****
I had gone to Mugadza and Asociates Law Firm to see a Kudzai Muraicho with Eliezer and he had facilitated some conversations with my Sister U-Meleni Mhlaba whom is in the states but was very reluctant to speak to me about much prior to me requesting that they also speak to her about the situation on the ground at home surrounding any happenings in my living space according to the execution process but she was also reluctant to talk to them about anything and referred them to her lawyer. Kudzai Muraicho had mentioned that deposits were required for engagement in any court issues and since at the time there was much to balance financialy, we only started with the matters of consultation and engaging with my sister and setting up a meeting with Mr Bere to address matters.
After some days passing, Mrs Peters whom said she is a friend of my mother's and remembered me from the days I was in bulawayo, saying that she had been looking for my mother's number and found only mine in her phone, which sounded a bit concerning wondering how she could have my number myself not having ever met her here in Zimbabwe, also that she came across as though she did not know that my father had passed away and all the transpiring of even my mother's death etc. She cautioned me in mention of the stand that my father owned in Murambi speaking of its sale and involvement of Tauhona Murapa asking me to investigate the matter and to request information about it at the Civil Center in town who confirmed for me that it was under topnom investments. I then went to the location of the stand and found that an informal structure of residence was located on it and I spoke to the man living there with his family. The man told me that he had been staying there for 10 years and Tauhona Murapa had been trying to sell the stand also sharing with me a voicenote of Tauhona saying that
****The Week of Monday 9 October Onwards****
During the week of 9 October, because of security issues concerning the inside of the house, I got some latches put on the front door and verandah doors that are from the main front access to the house to be able to add padlocks to the door on top of the door keys which I had changed.
The next day after these 3 phone calls, the change over of their duties beginning to show some strange signs of irregularity reflecting on all the conversations had between myself and the two.
I had sat down with Joshua some times after having shared with him some of the music I had done that explains what the mark of the beast actualy is, and his response to want to give me one of his friends in south Africa's number's seemed casual friendly, but upon asking him about even anything I shared with him in conversation about the bible and scripture, it was notable that he was putting on an act and pretending as though he was interested.
**Week of Monday October 16 to 20**
(Guards Contracts, Wet Putty around the glass panes on the front doors where the opening handles & padlocks are
I went to the office of Mr Pattison's "Duster Security" and he showed me some written documents both for Kudzai and Joshua
***Which I took pictures of but lost due to having to hard reset my phone.*** I then the next day had Kudzai Muposiri bring her contract which was unstamped and unsigned as well as having different ink, the ones at the office with red black and blue ink writing, hers only having black and blue ink also with different dates and no address mentioned contrary to the one at the office.
Since not being able to take a picture of Joshua's initial showing of his contract in hand, I was concerned when the following day after having checked at the office, he did not show up for evening work duty saying that he was sick for about a week, claiming that he had been looking for food for home, but evidently the time frame speaking otherwise being seven full day's not showing up at the house for his night duty.
Kudzai Muposiri continued to come to the house for day shifts and since asking the few questions I did, she did not want to talk to me about anything anymore.
This is because Joshua Razor the male guard and Kudzai Muposiri the girl guard stopped showing up at the house as I had done some investigation on their contracts with their boss Steven Pattison of Duster Security (Private Company) whom the officers at the police station told me they knew of his activity, and a friend of mine who also does security informed me he is always in and out of NECCI for not paying his employee's. Kudzai and Joshua had been since September telling me that they never signed any contract.
Joshua and Kudzai left soon after I went to Mr Pattison's office, took pictures of their contracts, and the next day took a picture of Kudzai Muposiri's presented contract, the one in the office for Kudzai having red, blue and black ink writing and was stamped and signed, the one she brought had no stamps whatsoever, no address, and was only blue ink on it, the dates on them completely different. Unfortunately I lost the pictures having to hard reset my phone, but the point still stands.
This started when I noticed there was obviously too much wrong. Joshua having been working from the beginning of September, and Kudzai from the Monday after the 16th of September when I caught the housegirl stealing table mats and lotions from the house, the lotions having been locked in the main room where I was deprived access since June and was suposed to be staying in, but because it had documents that would make me aware of what was happening between the two trusts both my mother's and father's, also the intercom on the ceiling happening roughly around the time Joshua wouldn't come for his evening shift for a whole week and Kudzai muposiri coming for the day shift for about a week, up to the 20th of October, then just not coming, 2 weeks and a half passing without them showing up, Joshua strangely showing up ONCE about a week after I found some legal representation and knocking on the gate, but not calling me on the phone as he always did from September up to the time of question about their contracts.
On Sunday October 22 I felt to look around as intently as I could and found an intercom installed on the wall above the top of the door level archway by the ceiling with cables going into the ceiling in the main bedroom hallway above the screen gate that leads to the bedroom on the inside of the archway. I spent the day investigating the wiring in the ceiling ans trying to understand why the cables were ALL wrapped around the positive and negative terminals of the mains power supply coming from the old safeguard motion sensors (PICTURE ATTATCHED taken on the 22nd). I honestly had to post it on Facebook.
I had changed the locks on all the main access doors after chipo leaving, and added latches on the inside and outside for padlocks on the front doors of the house by the weekend of October 13th because I noticed at certain points of leaving the house there were certain things which were not the same having taken pictures of the lounge area I was sleeping in and changed the gate lock as well by October 17.
These specific front doors have glass panes on them all even on the level where the handles and locks for the door are, having taken a picture of them after looking around and trying to figure out how the intercom in the main bedroom hallway above the archway got there, also noticing that the clay putty around these specific panes was still quite wet and indicating that they were removed and repputtied and painted over, even with brown stain drips of still sticky resin like residue that is used to make things dry quicker, it shows that between the days before this was done, maybe 3-4 days not having noticed, gauging by the wetness of the putty even being able to scratch it with a key, stick a key into it and let it hang from these panes.
This made sense how anyone would gain access to the locks on the inside of the glass paned doors as I would leave through the back door so that all the locks we're on the inside incase someone would try and pick the locks to enter the house, the only way they could do so would be by removing the panes so they could visualy see the the lock holes and kinds of keys needed to be picked.
For the next two days, I looked around going out and coming back in, seeking if need to make a report to the police/Master of High Court's office and of what kind, also going into the ceiling of the house to discover that the wires were purposely entangled in a short circuit in order to cause the electricity meter to run faster than normal as I had actualy noticed that it had been going down by almost 6-10 units a day with so few electric appliances using the current of the mains.
On Saturday 28 October Mr Pattison came to the house asking about the situation with Kudzai Muposiri and Joshua Razor, asking when their last day coming to the house was saying he wanted to make an invoice for the month at least. I let him know that I was not interested in their services for sakes of all that has transpired and happened since June. He then asked for their login registry book to check the date last recorded in it.
While Mr Pattison and i were at the gate and him asking me what their last date of showing up at the house was, I had told him the 10th of October or 11th because I remember 3 times collecting my allowance with nobody guarding the house, but it was also because of the need that arose to deal with padlocks 3 times, actualy having taken my allowance at least twice with nobody at the house in-between them being there and not both times, having need to change the padlocks.
The Next interesting thing is when he asked me to get the book that the guards sign and register in. As we looked through it and saw up to the 20th logged in, but unlike the others from the 10th, there was no intro "... took over shift from ...." statement, or the "..... checked the premesis before going of duty and everything was fine" statement, just very random logs of exiting with the car in terms of times given, one actualy written "Kudzi took over shift from Boss Kudzi...." ????, all these up to the 20th.
After checking the book, it is all too evident that the records dates and times, some even double entries of the same day (day shift/night shift/day shift/night shift) with the same date, also the logs about using the car which actualy have been since the begining of august, showing that it had been totaly fabricated and informationaly planted, only starting on 28 August, also a visitors list of one single person namely Brian Samhiri the gardener from next door, who's last appearance in the yard or house was around September 11th, and after that there being others that were not logged in the book at all. (This end paragraph because of the logs in the book and the dates and the total overall summary of looking at things)
--- SO FAR UP TO SEPT 2023 --- (*enough more to consider*)
date of posting (*2024 Sept 17*)